Yeah...Another post about The Turd Blossum....
First off....I had a big old Hound Dog for many years. A Bassatt , and for anyone that has ever lived with a Hound Dog, they have a way of teaching you to sniff the Air a little harder, and listen a little better to what you can't smell. My Big Ol'Hound had a way of knowing when serious storms were a'coming or even a quake.( She would go try to curl up on my lap or hide under the pillows on the bed, 80 pounds of drool and love and concern).
So I am just going to say it , Something about ALL of This does not Smell Right.
So here it goes....
(1) So we recieved this news via an early morning announcement from Dainty Perino, then a press conference at 11:30am. The Presser was interesting, Bush and Rove, very emotional and huggy. Bush seemed snitty, inconvenienced, in a hurry to get to his vacation. He seemed miffed, his demeanor was very similiar to the day that Scooter was indicted and removed.He seemed irritated, like the brat at the sandbox that just had his sandthrowing shovel taken away. And Rove was bumbling, not so smooth, and choked up and not as articulate as he was at the Dinner when he was cackling about the Gonzogate ( atty scandal).(That was the last time I saw him, in the spring at a dinner, saying how he was not going to testify and how the Dems had No right to investigate the Firings.)He was teared up, and having trouble raising his head to speak. ( reminded me alot of the Duke Cunningham press conference). He said " FOR THE SAKE OF MY FAMILY"...Hmmmm, now that is interesting.
That is not the phrase of someone wanting to spend TIME with family....SAKE is a word reserved for not wanting to cause someone discomfort. ( And used in some interesting speechs...ie. Agnew when he resigned at a press conference to family and friends many years ago....on local news.) He was not the Cocky Arrogant Self that would be working to help the GOP or work to help 2008 candiates. He looked bloated and pale.....And Bush spoke of him and there was not the usual Pride and Gloating...it was rushed and brusque. There was choked up teary emotion and the hugging, but not the expansive thanks and gratitude that I expected.
(2) WHY NOW? why not later? why not let Rove finish the rest of the Bush Legacy Years- there is only a little over 500 days.WHY can Rove not be at the WH after the vacation? ( the paranoid part of me was like WHAT is going to happen now? )
(3) Is Something afoot? Did Bush have a showdown with daddy this weekend? Or is it Something else. Did Gonzo lay an Ultimatum on the table because of the Atty Firing Scandel, "It's HIM or ME? I am not covering for Rove?" ( I don't picture Gonzo rolling over like Scooter did).
(4) I keep thinking about ALL Those Hearings and how Cspan re-aired them last week ( and Gonzo really did eat dirt in them) WHY were they being re-aired over and over ( were the Sexy Sweeps for cspan? - I think not). I keep thinking about how calm and quiet and Lawyerly Spector and Leahy and Conyers and Waxman were.....almost too calm.( and NOT complacent). Are MORE Supeonas Being Drawn and Served. Is Someone going to be Indicted for Perjury? Obstruction?
(5) And as I watched the Hearings it struck me that Susan Ralston , Rove's Assistant was never called to the Hearings . That is odd, she should have been. She had his emails, his records, his Calendars and Schedules. Gee I hope Someone thought to talk to her,and ask her Version of Things. Executive Privelege would Not Really cover her, she worked for Rove, not Bush.
(6) Is there some other little thing brewing, like related to the Abramoff Mess? Or some Other Scandel Mess? ( like the DC Madame? or GANNONGATE? or Haggard Mess? or the Foley Mess? or the Infamous Almost forgotten CandyMan scandel? or Abramoff hookers? Or ???)
(7)Wasn't it odd HOW Quiet it was, NO Repugs came forward to say ONE postive thing. By the eve CNN dug up Andy Card, but no one else. No Mehlman? No Tony Snow? No Cheney? No Trent Lott? No 2008 Runners? No Old Boys- Roy Blunt? Delay? No Frist? etc etc. It turned into a day of Reporters interviewing other reporters (snore). And at the straw poll with millions being spent, only about 12,000 showed ( that is quite a drop- the numbers are usually 24,000-38,000)Rove was not even invited ? wow...that says alot.
(8) So tonight I went to the Dark Side, yes, repug Blogs. ( Go see for yourself, Blogs for Bush and GOP Bloggers, there is not the pride or warm posts on it- AT ALL....Rove is merely an uncomfortable footnote). BTW their comments are WAY DOWN...in ALL chat rooms, and some are not very Repug. And eventhe Repug dating sites are empty rooms.Both the RNC and GOP sites barely mentioned the Announcement. ( 2 piddly paragraphs on the RNC site).
(9) WHAT if, he is the Tricky Dick Moment aka Stained Dress Moment that is indeed about to be Unveiled....Is that Possible? I think it is plausible and healthy to ponder this.....
Let me know WHAT you think...or smell....Because there is Something stinking in DC....and it needs better sniffing...
Though the Damage has been done, now that he is out of "office," I wonder if any crimes will stick.
Yes, isn't that also what Ted Haggard said when stepping down from do to gay sex and meth?
even the Repug dating sites are empty rooms
The best news I've heard all week.
Damage Done ...that song by Neil Young has been stuck in my head all day...funny...
Now...you are sooo right about the "Sake " of my family thing...wow..stunning...
( Now teddy did got get cured or rehabbed or something...)
Yeah , it was a trip to the Dark side that made me smile...really...oh, and just to clarify- I don't normally ever go to the Repug Dating Sites...but I thought it was worth the time- kind of like going to their bars....see what they are talking about....
Let's see what happens next....
I dunno. Did you catch the moment during the Rove-Bush faretheewell, while Rove is speechifying & we see Bush squeezing his lips & shifting his little mouth like he does -- and then he unabashedly looks directly at Rove's speech papers there on the podium. He looked like oh, how much longer do I have to stand here pretending to listen to him & acting sorry to see him go. Wow Enigma, I think you're right, he seemed very inconvenienced. Considering what "dear friends" they are, that was odd behavior.
now "for the sake of my family" had me thinking something else, something more sinister, like the kind of thing you would say if your family was being threatened. Then I think about chertoffweasal talking about his gut feeling 'bout 'nother terra blah-blah this summer, which coincidentally is officially over Aug 31, Rove's last official day. Then I remember how HW & Bar were whisked away from DC 5:30 AM 9/11 because their big Carlyle meeting with Saudi bankers had been abruptly cancelled. I should stop thinking now.
For the sake of his family, I think Rove oughta be very careful who he goes dove hunting with. That's about as far as I can sniff right now. ~~ D.K.
And that DK is Aplenty...good job...hmm...interesting..threats- that is something I had not pondered....and yeah, like go hunting...just not with Dick...
I think there's something fishy. When Rove was above the radar and had an official title, it was easier to keep an eye on him. Now that he'll be below the radar, God knows what schemes he's gonna come up with.
Who Hijacked Our Country
They probably want us to think this to death and stop thinking about all the other stuff in the past year. It could be to throw us off somehow. But it is indeed fishy.
I noticed that the TV news outlets had practically nothing to say of import in my opinion. It's too odd for words. Rove cares too much for the game...that's his power...he wouldn't just give that up. It's what he lives for and gets up in the morning from his coffin for.
And Bush...always seems distracted and ill equipped to handle any news conference...he is more addled in the head all the time. I think he's drinking heavily myself.
Good work Deputy Dawg! You're right. We can't let our guard down. Have to stay on the case. Somethings always around the corner.
You and DK did such an excellent job on your Bush descriptions. You nailed it.
Good post, I don't know what to think but I don't believe someone who is so full of himself, that has ignored his family for decades, would suddenly want to "spend time with his family."
For the Most part When DC people doe Anything for the "Sake of the Family " , "want to spend time with Family" or SUDDENLY Find Religion......spend alot of time with their Lawyers...
Larry:hmmm, that is a good point , Rovey has been busy worshipping bushy ( for what 30 years?) and true he has a son ( hmm, draft age really) and a wife, but we never heard of them or have seen them this WHOLE time...
MARY: yup, definently we can not let our guard down, not for a minute....even though they are going on "vacation"....( Hmm, I think I will look up that Dove Hunting issue- no one here really hunts so we don't know if there even is Dove Hunting in Texas....now do we ? We only know about the Quail Hunting)
SUMO: "climbed out of his coffin"...haha...very funny..BUT you are right he would never JUST GIVE IT UP...And Bush is "addlebrained" ( perfect) description...( says he has Lyme Disease- yeah, right- well, then don't go "Clearing Brush" down there in Texas every august asshole....personally I think Clearing Brush means "get me the Jim Beam")
Well Deputy Dawgs...stay on the case...
All I ask is that they are made to suffer only as much as the suffering they have sown in this world...
Hound dog? Darling you are a Bloodhound!
You have spent some serious time pondering this thing (I knew that you would, by the way), and I think you just might have them treed!
You bring a lot of threads together and I certainly hope that you are right and that they are on the run and NOT planning a September surprise to try and frighten us.
More subpoenas for Rove would be AWESOME!
Excellent job kiddo.
I think there are a few things involved here. For the sake of family is the one thing we know is NOT true.
►There has been a falling out between Cheney and Rove, seen most notably by the absence of communication between and about each other.
►Rove is so guilty of so much, that he's trying to keep a lower profile and get out of the public eye.
►Rove is going underground to do work on the 2008 campaigns behind the scenes.
►Something else: there is still a missing piece to this puzzle, and I haven't figured it out ...yet.
We need to take care over one thing. As mush as we would love to see Rove indicted on criminal charges, it's imperative to hold off until February, 2009. An impatient move now insures a Bush pardon and keeps him out of a cell, where he belongs.
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