Over at the Gay Agenda they are busy planning the Jenna Bush Blessed Event, yes, the Wedding. We here at the Enigma Cafe would hate to be accused of not giving our fair share, so here are Some Lovely Classy Goodies for the Event. So Here is what little Jenna needs to make her man happy.....( Pursey I found them both on Special at the" Redneck Wedding Event Extravaganza" cheaper then Walmart ).
How kind of you Enigma to help plan for the blissful event.
I wonder though, will the nuptuals be held before the birth of Jenna's child conceived out of wedlock, since both families are outstanding virtuous Republican moral examples?
It doesn't really matter when the wedding will be held. They both come from very moral families, and I'm sure they have the same principles.
Larry: Well, it is important that we help contribute to this Moment of White Trash Perfection. I guess we should choose different dresses if she is showing....I will give Brittany a call, I am sure she has some lovely Preggars Ware...
Maybe Brittany could plan the pre wedding party for Jenna.
After all they are both party girls.
Well Pursey Over at the Gay Agenda has been chosen by Jenna to plan ALL wedding events...please do go over and view the preparations... But maybe Brittany could help, I mean that kind of "Expertise" is so hard to come by....hmm, I think Paris also has Expertise too....
We should all chip in for a undocumented nanny to take care of little Jenna's bundle from Satan.
We need to make sure that its raised properly in the ways of Darkness.
Only the best for a minion from Hell conceived in Darkness of her families souls.
God Bless.
Well I gotta say that is really a zorch ride. Looks like one that I saw Duhbub drving. I'd kinda like it myself if I could get a steam engine in it. It'd be nice for ride sharing and good for a coffee break and a nap in high traffic commutes...G:
Geezer : when they are done with it, I am sure they would be happy to sell it to your for a song and a dance....
Anony: Well whatever the Spawnling is, and whenever it arrives I can only hope that it does not effect Dear Jenna's Nuptial Events..
We down here in Outer Darkness are unfamiliar with the Jenna Bush Blessed Event just as we are unfamiliar with most things except what George tells our Prime Minister when HE issues HIS orders.
Enlightenment hopefully will come our way before the world ends!
The million dollar question is ... Will Jenna walk down the aisle in combat boots ?
I don't think so. :)
That gift is so lovely, I am sure that they will use the hot tub on their wedding night. Oh, Jenna says she wants to roast some marshmellows over the trash can.
she didn't like the LIMO service I found??? sniff sniff..
I am glad that she liked the "BBQ" craft cart service ( although it does appear that the the chef in the photo might be singed....
White Trash Events are always so hard to plan.... so stressful...
I think for a wedding gift I will get her a little purse puppy...I think that should be perfect....
I will come see how the planning is coming along...
CMT Presents:
“My Big Redneck Wedding”
From camouflage tuxedos to arriving at the wedding on an ATV, some couples are going all out to show just how fabulously “redneck” they really are. In front of all of their closest family & friends, these couples commit their undying love for each other with John Deere wedding dresses, shotgun salutes and two-stepping all night long. These couples love to show off their over-the-top Southern style.
Pink Sneakers Productions is currently casting for the new CMT hit series “My Big Redneck Wedding.” This show will document the planning and preparation it takes to pull off a truly fun and down-to-earth redneck nuptial.
We are currently looking for couples who appear to be between the ages of 18 and 45, are planning a super redneck wedding, have set a date somewhere between September to December 2007 and want to share their lives and wedding day with us. We are scheduled to begin shooting immediately so if you or anyone you know meets this criteria please email us at cbunch@pinksneakers.net. Please be sure to include your name, contact information, wedding location, and a photo of the bride and groom.
Should you have any additional questions regarding our intentions or the show, or if you would like to know more, please feel free to contact us at any time. Time is of the essence so please contact us as soon as possible.
Happy Planning!
Pink Sneakers Productions
Phone: 407-464-2080
Fax: 407-464-2081
Email: cbunch@pinksneakers.net
Website: www.pinksneakers.net
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