My Son and I just put this book on the Amazon Wish List. You better get right over and order one. This is a wonderful book by Our One and Only Poetry Man. We are so proud of him, and proud that we know and love his fine writings and his beautiful blog. ( and yes, I guess we also are so happy that all that nagging paid off, we kept telling him we needed him in a Book.)
On the Homefront:
I can not say where Dean is headed, I can only hope and pray that the Coast Guard is ready again...and from what I hear they are. ( So that is the good news). Now about FEMA and HLS- they must have the "plans" in a secret bunker. Anyways Keep watching the Storm - the link on post below is still great.It is Saturday Night , so you know there is Music in the Title.
And yes, it is Saturday Night, and it is raining and feels like fall, so it must Be ?
Well here is my little story that goes with the song.
The First Time I heard this I was 17 and I was sitting at a late summer beach party, pretending to be much cooler than I was. And I was drinking a very sandy Rolling Rock, and a guy came over and sat on my burnt ol'log and he was more than Fine, and he was wearing old faded tattered Lee jeans and a very faded ripped Tshirt and all he did was kinda smile and played 6 chords , very very slow ....and he said "Ehhhhh,Baby".....And I Knew I would never be the Same....
WORK like you don't need the money.
LOVE like you have never been hurt.
DANCE like nobody's watching.
*** And play the Song Above and find someone to slowdance with...promise me.***
And alas no it was NOT the Boss, it was a guy named Eddie....But in the light of a Bonfire with a salty breeze....Anyways...2 years later I finally saw The Boss for real...and I was more than Ready...and I was still on Fire for THIS song....
You listen to this and the world melts away....
My other memory of this song- we spent alot of time trying to get my bassatt to howl to this song ( howl the "fire" part., ..on cue...she did better with the national anthem with baseball games on tv....
Good choice and appropriate for musical Satruday.
First, I heard back from Larry on your suggestion and I responded to your comment. Sounds promising!
Anyway I was lying in bed this morning drinking my coffee and listening to the news. They were saying that Dean is headed for Jamaica and the Caymans and everyone appears prepared.
At 145 mph winds it is more powerfull than their worst which was Gilbert in 1988 and that killed 45. From there it goes to the Gulf of Mexico and they are all supposed to be prepared too. We will wait and see.
Thank you my friend. I am humbled by your gracious plug.
The pics (wedding gifts> long-truck-horse-trailer & Hot-Tub) are hilarious...
(catching up) ... the only thing wrong with "Fire" is it's too short; I want it to go on forever. Did you know Springsteen wrote it for Elvis -- sent it to him a few weeks before he died?
My fave Springsteen album is Ghost of Tom Joad. Slow acoustic piercingly honest songs about immigrants, ex-cons & other down'n'outers, it pissed off his rock fans, but would've made Woody Guthrie proud. With immigration in the limelight, it's even more poignant today.
ps, I have an anthem singing dog too. She is completely nuts by the The Laaand of the Freeeeeeeeee line!
pps, beautiful cover art for Poetry Man's book. I'm looking fwd to it! ~~ D.K.
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