The Flag is been posted in Solidarity with other Katrina Bloggers...
It says it ALL.
(The Flag is by Suspect Device, visit Blue Gal to learn more.....)
Please also go see Left Of Centrist, Robert has made a beautiful Video. It is amazing.
* Please Click the title: "The Day the Music Died" , slideshow set to Don Mclean's Song*
keith olbermann pointed out that no candiates have mentioned katrina.....edwards has....but none went there this week....and they should have.....
Obviously they think the photo ops are gone from Katrina, but they forget the people afre still there.
The people are still suffering there and what does Bush do about it?
he snags more photo ops....of course...
How do I see this video?
Larry Boy: CLICK the title of the post, this should take you right to the Video- most of my titles I link a song or video to see....
It wasn't negligence. It was out and out premeditated murder. Plain and simple murder.
God Bless.
Bless you too anony...
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