[art by Alberto Vargas "Jeane" 1942]
{music : Sade: "Nothing Can come between us".}
I can tell you right now, she is more dressed than I.....
I am just going to sit on my porch tonight and wish for this Godawful Heat Wave to break....I am going to light some sandalwood incense to drive off the bugs, and light my gardenia candle in my hurricane lamp...I am going to sit and wait it out. And try to see the stars and the moon....If we all look at the moon I feel like that connects us, it is shining down on you, me, and moms in Iraq, and soldiers in Iraq....That Moon.
Mr.Bush is down in Crawford pretending to be the Decider, must help to have his Jim Beam and his turdblossum at his side. It was a good week, he didn't fall off his Segway, he did fall off messege and it did bite him in his ass. He should never have brought up Vietnam to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He can not hide from the Failure that he is, he can not hide from the Bloody Mess that is Iraq. And he can even send out spinmasters about Problems at home. ( I love that Pidgeons are now to blame for the Minnesota Bridge Collapse....)Every Great Dictator Suffers from the Delusional Fall From Grace, it is always a Matter of Timing. First all of their Collaborators have to jump ship...usually during a long vacation.
I will sit and eat Nachos. ( 6-6 is watching Buffy, so he is not be disturbed, until he needs food). And maybe when the Pepsi runs out....
Enigma 's Nacho Receipe:
Big Bag Of Keylime Tortilla Chips
(Fill up a glass pie pan with them)
Shredded Sharp Chedder Cheese
Cilantro - chop fine
Scallions -cup fine
Catalina Dressing ( this is the secret ingredient)
Put the tortillas on the pan, cover liberally with cheese, and scatter scallions across, and drizzle Catalina lightly across the top.Heat in over, 300 degrees for 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted. Scatter chopped cilantro across the top....when done.
We like ours with Pepsi and lime....but Something stronger is good too. Have a good Friday night.
Can't wait for the return of some sort of heat down here in the far South Pacific. I know you can just put on more layers, but I'm happier reducing them.
I terminated my first cricket last night, the noise was annoying. But I guess that means I might be removing layers soon.
Mr.Bush is down in Crawford I've just been reading about the cast of thousands George W is bringing to Australia for a couple of days next month. Does he really need that many people to remove a lid from a bottle?
Believe me I can sympathize with the heat. We have set record after record here in Atlanta. Straight days over a hundred, straight days over 90 and on an on.
I watched the Concert for Bangladesh on PBS tonight and your reference to connecting is perfect. 1971 was the beginning for me spiritually and I have always associated the concert with the change in my reality.
Anyhow, cool down, imagine yourself lying in a mountain stream and the cool water cascading down over your shoulders and down your body. Careful you might shiver.
MONK: sigh......brrrrr...Who will hand me my towl though...??? sigh..what a nice idea...a cool stream...I too remember Bangladesh....actually watched some the of that on YouTube the other night and felt so connected to that time again...( And yes, I know records are being set all over the Country...I am just whining...sorry...I will send some ice cube thoughts your way too...I was trying to find some Distracting Music...and it was either Sophie or Sade...)
Cartledge: Yes, Mr Dubya needs lots of Suburbans and Lots of people to provide those Outback Meals and its Hard Work keeping the Jim Beam Flowing..and now Ol Turd Blossum won;t be at his side....oh the horror...Now I forgot this is your Winter...so you just watch Sade, have a Hot toddy and stay warm...
Rove is supposedly resigning but he will never leave the Moronic Monkey's side.
Bush always has turds in his pocket.
It is hot here also though you are having a lot more heat than I am.
The rain and flooding is almost like a biblical disaster and it doesn't seem like it is going to let up soon.
Could it be the Lord showing His displeasure with what our country is doing.
It is very possible that He is and if this is the case than we have a lot worse to look forward to.
Please try too stay cool and hope your feeling better soon.
God Bless.
Ya got heat, ya got water, why all ya need now is a backyard spa! (clothing optional) ...
Luna is waxing gibbous tonight, very beautiful. I do that too: look up at the moon & think how it connects people through some looong nights. I'm sure Bush is completely zwacked by the time the moon rises, so no worries about his thoughts spilling out & polluting the atmosphere ... if he can even open his bloodshot eyes & see the moon, he probably thinks it's Laura with a xenon flashlight, come to turn off his pro-wrestling tv nightlight.
ps Cartledge, if you want to avoid future Bush visits, go for the Hugo Chavez rather than the Albanian welcome. ~~ D.K.
that sounds good to me enigma! bear with me. i crushed broke and dislocated my right wrist. i have enough trouble with 2 hands.
in mass. it has been in the 60s but today and tomorrow mid 90s. with either floods or extreme heat throughout the entire country this too will get a lot worse ignore it or not and these fools will ignore it.
You said, "And yes, I know records are being set all over the Country".
Just wait until it gets cold, then the Global Warming cynics will be out in full force. They tend to stay out of the heat in the Summertime for fear of jumping into the frying pan.
I can't believe Bush tried to compare Vietnam and Iraq. Of course there are similarities: "There's light at the end of the tunnel" has now become "the insurgency is on its last legs" aka "the Surge is working!"
Who Hijacked Our Country
It's lovely and cool here today and has even rained. We didn't get much summer here this year. A couple of years ago it was hotter here than in Morocco, and I slept outside on my terrace - nekkid - and it was wonderful.
I'm going to try your recipe :-)
Thanks you all ....yup...and the Spa Effect continues...maybe just need more nachos ;-)
Hang in there...and our Patriot is wounded, oh no...this is not good, please everyone cheer him up...and also robert;s NEW site is wonerful head over.....new post tomorrow...Wellstone Awards...and more...
Weather in Chicago is great..cool and dry again. I was sick of the constant rain and heat. A little relief for awhile, I guess.
Regarding BushCo.-they will never take responsibility for their mistakes and lies. It will always be somebody else's fault. What angered me the most was when Bush went to speak about the bridge collapse in Minn., he used it as an excuse to pump up his war and bash the Democrats. That was no comfort to those who lost loved ones. He is incapable of empathy. He's one sick bastard.
great recipe...thanks! hope your weather gets better...or at least more tolerable
nice recipe... I say any excuse for cilantro is a good one. (maybe it's just in my world but it seems people either hate it or love it???)
I too think the recipe sounds delicious. Alas, my family would never eat it...but I'd try it. It's awful living with picky eaters...and having been a professional too. There is very little that they like...I think it is genetic in Mr. Sumo's family. Bleh!
SUMO: you are the Cook.,..so that is high praise...you can come eat nachos here anytime:-)
alaskababy: Hmm cilantro can make anything so wonderful...
AZ: it will get better ...it has to ;-)
Mary Ellen: and yes, you do speak the truth...as always...
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