Preparations are ongoing, and all maps indicated Dean is indeed a Monster, and yes, headed to the Gulf. Governor Perry started issuing orders and making preprations, the State's websites indicated that he is taking this all needed steps, including approaching the President for needed Orders.The Cone of Uncertainity is showing the Brownsville region ......The link to the Title is still the best one I can find. I will put Updates in the Comments , please do so as well....
I work for a disaster clean-up/insurance restoration company (www.royalplus.com), and we're monitoring the situation, as we may end up heading down that way . . .
Lousiana and Texas are now declaring an Emergency....
6pm Sunday Eve:
Okay I should not laugh...BUT now on FOX ( which I loathe and will soon break out in Hives the size of hubcaps if I do not change soon.....)
YES, the ONE and ONLY Geraldo is doing the Weather - YES...the Weather...and it is killing me....
Okay...back to the Hurricane...it is buffeting Jamica right now...and has sustained winds of 80mph and is still driving at 140 MPH ( so it must still be a CAT4) If it keeps on same path it should reach Cancun and Mexico by tomorrow..and Texas and Brownsville/Corpus Christi Tuesday ? hmmmm....keep watching...
Fortunately we know that people from around the Country are being mobilzed and sent...
Meanwhile: Erin is still leaving huge Flood Zones from the South, tugs my heart when people are being plucked off roofs...
I am watching this right now and it does not look good especially tonight. They expect it to even increase in intensity if you can believe it. cancun is the next concern.
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