As my teenage son 6-6 says"Well, you really are in Trouble when Barbie and Batman are Unsafe".
So this Month MILLIONS of toys have been recalled because of Safety Issues. All of our favorites, mostly made by Mattel, FROM CHINA, Elmo to Barbie to Dora to Batman. The MSM has mostly downplayed the Risks and the Dangers. So it is time for some Honest Dialogue regarding something that effects our Children. I am a nurse, two of my specialities are Environmental Toxins and I also have worked Peds and ER for many years. What concerns me about the News Media Coverage is that the toxins involved in these Recalls are indeed dangerous to children, especially young Children. So I am going to explain in this post about the Dangers of Lead and also Magnets, and also give some helpful advice for examining the toybox, and making it safer. I realize the Media has Sponsers to make happy, I don't , my goal is to keep some kids out of the ER and out of the Hospital and to help some parents find some peace of mind. First I will cover the Lead issues, then the magnets.
*[I will be updating this information throughout the week]*
(1) Let's go to the Toybox, so far it is just the Mattel Toys made in China. It has to do with them using ILLEGAL BANNED PAINT, that has LEAD in it. Now there are some problems. Paint made 25 years ago contained lead and some paint also had other heavy metals, that paint has been banned in the US and most other Modern Countries since 1978-1982. Where China got this paint, and WHY they are using it is very concerning. I also am wondering if OTHER heavy metals have been tested for, since paints during this time sometimes contained other metals: copper, cadnium, and mercury. In the US ALL of these metals are banned in Children's toys and educational products.
(2) If you have these toys in your box, REMOVE them, and photograph them and your toybox. ( For your own records, chances are good that there will be a class action suit and there should be.) Put them in a garbage bag and call your Recyling/Garbage company and ask WHERE to dispose of. On CNN they said to return to Toy Store, I am not sure that is wise, since the toys are dangerous and contaminated. End these toys being in the Cycle. I will post LINK below with the list, but for now ANY MATTEL toys made in past 2 years or purchased in past 2 years and with CHINA on the label- REMOVE from home, place in garbage bag away from children and pets, and call your garbage /recycler and inquire as to where they dispose of heavy metals ( ie computers, paint, batteries etc).
(3) Wear Gloves and clean the Toybox thoroughly vacumn and remove ALL toys that had contact with the OTHER toys. Vacumn and Wash thoroughly with strong detergent and rinse well. If Strong plastic you also can Run Seperately through Dishwasher.
(4) If you have children under 5 years old should be tested for Lead and heavy metals. Talk to your Pediatrician. There are two tests that should be Done, the Blood test and also the hair. Doctors Data in Chicago is an excellent lab and they do good work and the kits can be ordered and sent to your doctor. They are covered by many insurance companies, and also have reasonable rates. It would be wise to get a heavy metal panel. ( that includes lead, mercury, and copper.)
(5 ) If your child is under five, they tend to play with tactile and oral contact with toys and their hands. The risk involves that they might have stuck their hands in their mouths. Heavy Metal poisoning can occur due to HOW they play.ANY exposure warrants children being tested. Symptoms of Heavy Metal poisoning and Lead in particular: Headaches, Irritable, attention and learning problems, metal taste in mouth, decreased appetite,gait problems,coordination issues, and changes in muscle strength. If Untreated (or levels rise) it can cause Kidney/Liver and .or Heart damage ( and also brain damage). Heavy Metals can be removed from Children , and adults, but it requires medical supervision and "chelation". Keep copies of all records related to this issue.
(6) Also the Recalls are based on Toys with MAGNETS. WHY do the Companies make toys with little tiny magnets I do not know, they were banned for many years, but under this Regime we all know that Laws have been Loosened. Please if you have small children or children under 5 , or pets, please remove ALL Magnet toys from the Home. Throw them out. End the Cycle.
( Suposedly the one toy is a Barbie DOG toy that involves a pooper scooper and yes, poop. and yes, the poop has the magnets in it...too strange.)
Please come back tomorrow morning and I will add the links. ( having server trouble tonight, so might have to end this post early). If you have more private concerns about this safety issue you may email me offline enigma4ever@earthlink.net.
Capitalist China SUCKS! Mao is turning in his grave.
Yes, I fear that you are dead right PT....urgh....so wrong...
tonight on the news...
the workers make 40-60 cents an hour, they work 10 hour shifts, SIX days a week....
I could and would and will never buy mattel again- this is disgusting...and the film footage showed inside the plants ( ABC), showed workers that looked like kids themselves....it is not just capiltalism - it is forced poorly paid slavery...
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