Okay so you all liked the Hawaii Website that I found for the Hurricane Flossie this week. Now we need to watch the Atlantic, especially as Erin is still giving Texas a whipping. NOW we have Dean to watch and he is a monster, partly because of the HEAT, look at this map- the water temperatures are too warm. The Oil Rigs in the Gulf and Atlantic are being evacuated as we speak. Now CLICK THE TITLE or go to WeatherUnderground on the Blogroll. It is a wonderful site with Great Maps and Graphics and tons of data. Stay posted, leave updates if you want. Stay safe folks.
Oh, I do like Weather underground. It's one of the best weather sites around and the hurricane specialists always write just the data you need to know. The Gulf is indeed very warm - hotter than a lukewarm bath.
That's pretty good, where did you get that? The Atlantic seems pretty active right now.
I am, so concerned about the changing violent weather patterns Stateside especially in the midwest, west, and South, that aside from following the chief idiots antics I find myself following daily weather hiorror stories.
Peacechick: well well...yup it is warm..too warm..like pee in a baby pool....and as warm as the Katrina Summer...may even be warmer....thanks...( hey you are susposed to be resting those arms...)
Patriot: yup....too active...churning..Dean is a monster....watch closely...( I have been watching him since Africa). Where did I find it ? hmmm, I think I found it back in Katrina time....good on you for always paying attention to what matters..
I think by the time it gets to the Gulf it will be a Cat 5 and we are going to see a lot of death and destruction.
Today I saw that one track took it to New Orleans. I hope not, I'd rather see if hit Crawford, Texas while the Decider is there.
With luck he won't be able to escape the Wrath of God.
God Bless.
My goodness...what day...Now my banner has been ruined...lordy....so awful....Please anyone that can help me make a new Banner with New Blogger email me enigma4ever@earthlink.net.....thank you...
9:32 pm I wrote to four of you and NOW the banner is fixed so WHOever Fixed it I truly love you....muchly..
Friday night 10pm:
OMG...it is not even in the Islands and it is 150 MPH...and a CAT4....and so where is it going and how is it going to hit....Jamica is the one to watch- and what happens when it hits...
Another good find Enigma and that site is also good for local weather updates.
hey Larry-
yup .... it is a great site- I have used it since Katrina...and you put your own zip in and you are all set...I love it...( I get hooked on such odd little things)
10 PM and DEAN is not even to Jamica and the Islands and and as of this writing it is up to 150 MPH and a CAT5....
I sure hope Dean doesn't turn north. He'll be a BUG himicane.
This storm isn't supposed to hit the U.S until Wednesday, unless it fizzles before then.
I heard today that Louisians too has issued warnings. They are worried because the levees are still not fixed. That whole allowed debacle really peeved me.
They turned a natural diisaster into a catastrophe and allowed Katrina to do what they could not and that was to clean out all the public housing. Now they are rebuilding for the elite. Arghh!
I hope it doesn't cause the disaster that it appears to be capable of...
"They turned a natural disaster into a catastrophe". Par for the course. Look at the Utah mine collapse v2.0.
I hope it is a Cat 5 and it hits Crawford Texas while the Decider is there. I also hope he can't get out.
Let the Lord my God fill him with fear and make him Sh*t his pants.
God Bless.
Pretty harsh there, Anon! Let's not forget Crawford is pretty far inland and there are a lot of innocent people between the Gulf and Dubya. However, if he wants to visit the beach at Port Arthur, I see no reason why a freak wind couldn't make him soil his britches.
Saturday eve.8:40pm
Hmmm Cone of Uncertainity is continuing....but it should pass Jamica some time tonight....It is still a CAT4...and not a CAT5 yet....but it is 150MPH, and it could become a CAT5 anytime....I hope that all of the Gulf Region is getting ready ( and yes, I checked the HLS and FEMA sites last night- nothing yet- but I will check again later. Coast Guard might be the best hope-again).
Thanks everyone for coming by...and we will all see what happens...We all knew that some day there would be another Katrina...let's pray the folks put ax's and boats in their attics...
( Anony and Robert- this time I hope and pray that the Coast Guard goes to his damn ranch picks up his pathetic soul and takes him to the site directly-even to the dead bodies- no fucking flyover this time....)
Stay Tuned folks...
After Katrina hit, we all showed up on Bush's doorstep in DC only to find he had flown to Denver(???) to observe Hurricane Rita. Coward.
Okay alll so it is 3am very late sat night and yes, Dean is headed to the Gulf...and it is in a straight line and Jamica will be tested tonight..and then we will see what he does...Mexico? Texas? ...just don't know...
4am Sat night.
Dean Update Dean CAT4, and moving at a speed of 70 miles an hour. with winds 140 to 145 MPH, but on the projected path below- it is headed like an arrow at the Yucatan Penisula...so this could help to blunt it's path....of course CNN is playing their Katrina music so that does not inspire much hope...
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