Merv Griffin died this evening. He was 82 years old and he died from Prostate cancer. I loved watching him as a kid, he was the first talk show I ever saw. I was not allowed to watch Johnny Carson, he was considered too inappropriate, which cracked me up because Merv Griffin is the one that had all the GREAT comedians. Yes, he had Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby and the great George Carlin. The year I was 10 I missed most of 5th grade home sick with a blood disorder, and I loved 2pm because that is what time Merv was on.(immediately followed by The Wild Wild West....). I was hooked, and I felt very grown up as I laid there and watched. I would lay there and drink Fresca that my Grandmother had brought me and eat UTZ potato chips, and watch all the wonderful guests. I liked Merv because he was such a gentleman, so polite and well mannered.
And then in recent years I watched some shows out West and they showed him accompanying Nancy Reagon to many events, and he even bought her a dog after Ronnie died, and they would walk their dogs together. I just thought that was so kind and thoughtful.....He was a good man...
Rest In peace. Mr.Griffin.
I used to love to watch Merv. Always great guests. And Merv never went for the lowest common denominator - he would have stars from opera, science, rock, politics, comedy, ballet, etc. Very intellectual at times.
Of course, I was also a fan of Mike Douglas and Dock Cavett as well. Ah, Those Were the Days my friend, we thought they'd never end, we'd sing and dance forever and a day. We'd live the life we'd choose, we'd fight and never lose. Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.
Hey, now there's a song for your other post!
I liked his style of interviewing. He took the time to learn something about his guests, then he let them talk without interrupting them, so that we all learned something. I recall ironing while watching The Merv Griffin Show in the afternoons. Does anyone iron anymore (or drink Fresca)?
And he invented Jeopardy of which both my dog & I are big fans. My dog sings the Jeopardy tune -- really, she recognizes it even if it's badly whistled or hummed & starts howling along with it -- I always wanted to send Merv a video of her act. ~~ D.K.
DK: that is toooo much about your dog...unreal...so funny...I loved that show and I love jep too...about irnoing I still do it...and I Love fresca- but they don't have it here....sigh...
Robert: sigh all those greats....Mike Douglas and Cavett too....sigh...( great song too...now I am going to have to find it...)
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