Okay so I try not to follow the Repug Results too hardily....BUT.
The Iowa results are in and they are actually fairly interesting. First off Mitt won the Top Scarecrow Honors for most Hay wasted, he susposedly spent over 1.5 million to win this honor. And that was to "claim" 4000 votes( so he won a third of a vote). So let me get this straight- he spent that Amount to get 4000 votes...WT? ( would we really want him in charge of OUR budget and OUR money....nope) But read on over at Skippys and see who else faired well on this contest- Poor John McCain barely got 100 votes, he and Poor Rudy did not fair so well....where did I put my little violins...
If Romney will spend that much for 4000 votes in a straw poll, think of how much he will spend to buy the entire election.
Which is what the Repugs do.
remember the straw scarecrow's complaint in Wizard of Oz? "If I only had a brain" -- aaah, poor Mitt, there is no am't of $$$ that will buy him 51% of the vote. afterall, he's not in Utah (or Mass) anymore. His smarniness will get him & his little dog, too. ~~ D.K.
OMG ...it is 6:30 pm and I accidentally watched FOX and Brit Hume is giving Mitt shit about having his dog on top of the car...I can't stop laughing I almost snorted pepsi out of my nose....
DK: "smarniness"...oh, that is priceless....
Larry: I already have it is 1.8 Billion...yikes...( okay I did that in my head...but he spent 225 $ o each voter in Iowa...and he would need to buy about 80million votes...so there you go...)...I guess he could always get friends at diebold...well to do whatever....oh, so depressing...
Well, at least Mitt's far better looking than his predecessor (the one who wishes during those hard* questions the MSM puts to him he could take his mouth off and hide it in a Kansas storm cellar because it's contortions and weird disfigurements during those tough* questions by MSM belie his lies which are dead giveaways that our bullying punk disguised as Emperor of Rome would rather 'thumb's down' a journalist on Lion's Feast Day in the Coliseum than answer such brazen sumbitches because, truth be known, he simply can't take any question that hints at criticism.)
*Actually, the MSM has NEVER asked emperor Bush a hard question in over 6 1/2 years--save for Helen Thomas--which is a record that, hopefully, will never be broken.
MITT'S BETTER LOOKING????DADA did you hit your head...???? OMG ...I am rolling on the floor...better looking...too much....
Mitt looks like he is a duded up nascar dude, with a fresh tuge of VO5 , the whole friggin tube in his hair...seriously his hair alone makes me gag....
BREAKING NEWS TONIGHT AT 10 PM , TOMMY THOMPSON IS DROPPING OUT...hand me another little violin...whelp I guess he did not want to face the sick 911 workers either....chickenshit that he is and was...good riddance...( and yeah, I got my own personal beef with his sorry ass for what he did to MY SICk county out west, he and Christy and Rove- there is a Special Hell for people that shit on Americans and let them be sickened and LIE about it...)
oh,...I rambled...sorry...back to what you were saying Dada...and yes, Helen Thomas..she is Rare special woman....
oh gawd, I'm laughing & crying. Nascar could use Mitt's head to shine their cars. Just mount it on one of those ostrich duster buster wands. Or maybe wring out his scalp directly into their oil pans. Seriously!
hmm, so Tommy Thompson's out. The only nice thing I can say about him is he was the only redhead (faded) running. Maybe we should play The Red Violin (one of my favorite movies) for his departure? Nah, he wouldn't appreciate it, he strikes me as more of polka man (apologies to all who love polka & accordians) ~~ D.K.
ahhhh Dk I hate to tell you this....that "red" you see is his RUG.....not real....sorry....( I watched his press conference...and yuck...)
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