[Click the Title and it is a Saturday Afternoon Museum Exhibit of Edward Hopper. He was not a joyful artist, really came into fame during the Depression, when he was married to a woman named Jo ( she is in a great many of his paintings, a not always willing model).He was in his 40's and the relationship was stormy, but it fueled his art. Oddly after he married her most of his paintings capture Loneliness in a well lit honest way. His paintings are not about compassion, they are all about the Light.It was Destiny that brought them together, and in 1967 they died monthes apart.The Painting on the post is called Nighthawks, a diner where people share their loneliness. The Music is a haunting song called "Transatlanticism", by Death Cab for Cutie". I look at this exhibit and I see all of us in the different frames...]
To The Enigma Cafe:
So here it is another hot Saturday. The King went and "inspected" the Bridge Collapse, which is a great photo-op before he heads to his ranch....to take his "vacation". He will be barely accessible down in his compound to the realities of his job, while they continue to use large equipment to look for bodies. He tried to look compassionate and caring, even with his hard hat on crooked. He and Laura went and inpected it seperately, I guess they could not view such twisted carnage together, it might mean they would have to speak to each other or be seen together in an unscripted manner.
I am at a loss WHO is more responsible for all the Crap on the table right now.....The Repugs ? the Dems? The Bushco Regime? The Media? I in many ways feel like we have weathered a huge catastrophic storm or natural disaster and I keep entering the same room and seeing the same piles of debris and broken things piled high all around....The Bloody Broken Iraq Mess, and Broken Economy, the Closed Broken Empty Plants,Blocks of Broken Foreclosed Houses,The Broken People at the Pharmacy trying to pay for their meds,The Broken Gonzified Justice Department,The Broken Infrastructure we call Levees, and Highways and Bridges, The Broken Shredded Constitution....
Everytime he goes on his "vacation" Something Happens, and I realize that I face August with renewed Dread and Foreboding....And this is not Intuition at work, this merely a observant historical perspective.
And yes, I have been blogging that I want Change...but it is like standing in an empty Train Station, with no plan, and nowhere to go.....and the Ticket Counter is closed....and there is No One there to ask even the Simplest of Directions.
I guess like many of you I am looking for even Random Wisdom, even just an unused ticket on the floor.....
*{ please see Roundup that should be posted later,probally Monday, it will hopefully have some Random Wisdom.... }*
that video is cool
I guess Hopper's paintings after marriage tells you everything. You know, a picture tells a thousand stories. You know, we all have that train station feeling.
I wrote in more than a dozen stories that we are still waiting for our knight in shining armor to lead us out of this dark tunnel Bush has us in. We are still waiting and running out of time. Misery loves company though and I am glad you are on our side.
Did the King know what he was viewing at the bridge collapse, or did he just enjoy those photo ops like he did at Katrina?
He was just there for the photo ops and the political benefit. He will disappoint again unless the State runs the recovery and not the corruptive no over sight Feds.
He was standing there, and they gave him a hardhat and I had to laugh...to protect What ??- His Hair???? ....
He was standing there trying to look intelligent and concerned...and you could tell he was boggled...and lost....
I hope the Geesus Voice in his head said" This is what Iraq looks like Everyday Dubya...."....
Enigma, I'm glad your irrepressible voice is back amongst us!
Thanks Phil I returned June 20th...Solistice...had to come back..thank you ...
Again I hate too be pessimistic, but we the people are responsible for what has befallen us.
For too long we believed the illusion that our representatives were selling us.
We wanted ours and we wanted it now.
Now we have it and still believe the illusion that we've seen over the years.
It will be a long time before we see our country as our founders envisioned it being.
Freedom for all.
God Bless.
You know, The King's entire visit was a total of ten minutes. Hardly enough time to get the hard hat on and off. No wonder it was crooked.
And you know, they had him positioned in the shot I saw so that he wasn't actually looking AT the bridge collapse. It was in the background. So it was truly just a photo-op. Just like when he appears with troops. They are in the background. As decoration or wallpaper or something. Our troops. A scene of death and destruction. The USS Lincoln. Just wallpaper.
Did you see the House debating the Energy Bill on CSPAN? What a bunch of idiots on both sides.
Is there any hope????
I'm beginning to wonder! ; (
Change, in and of itself is inevitable. Change for the better is what we need to hope for.
Hi Enigma,
thank you for your kind comments. I look forward to our e-visits :)
My favorite Hopper subjects are the oils and watercolors featuring his obviously loved seascapes and lighthouses. Maybe the seascapes were actually escapes.
King George trying to look as if he has any real compassion for anyone else under the sun always has a "let them eat cake" quality.
Anon-paranoid said it all . . .
But still, I remain optimistically hopeful . . .
This, too, shall pass . . .
Nice post!
I doubt that he tell any of us anything about that bridge collapse!
Yep and they are total idiots!
SuzieQ: Hi, thanks or serving some coffee, got here late....yup...Bush probally had trouble even looking knowledgeable or concerned- or even turning to face the debris...
Shaman: I do hope that is shall pass...that we can survive this...just like people survived the McCarthy Era, the 1930's and the Depression, and all that it held...
Jamie: I like the seascapes and lighthouses too, but there is something about his paintings with people that really grabs me....
Paul: Change is inevitable...but when....and how?I have no answers only frustation...
Naj: come over anytime..
CM: had to turn off the debate....just sick of waiting for wisdom and strength....and some spine and balls too...sick of it..and still so angry at them for voting in the Kings Gonzo
wishes...urgh...anayways...thanks for coming by...
Newsguy: OMG...that is it...all of it and all of us- we have just been wallpaper for this Idiot...
enigma my rose...
Left a message for you on my last post in reply too yours.
Stay safe and hopeful and ...
God Bless you.
By the way I once again forgot to thank you for the wonderful picture on your post below.
How peaceful she looks and so relaxed too.
God Bless you.
enigma said...I am at a loss WHO is more responsible for all the Crap on the table right now.....The Repugs ? the Dems? The Bushco Regime? The Media?
It is all of the above as you know and sadly even though time is running out all these idiots will simply continue their childish money making games and we will all pay real soon.
Patriot: sigh...I can only shake my head and nod...
AnonP: another Lord Leighton someone sent me...I had to post her...she is lovely,...dreaming of better days....I pray for peace...for serenity...and yes, change....I will continue to guard my little box of Hope....battered as it is...
The paintings are enchanting, and the music too, of course.
Nothing will happen in August. There is a Siesta. It's vacation. Waiting For Petreaus, Labor Day, all that stuff. I am sick of this government.
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