[Click the title: Brenda Russell "Piano in the Dark"]
So it has been a long week, Summer is indeed winding down. I am going to hang out with 6-6 and maybe play some Scrabble and watch Bad Sci-Fi Movies and Keith Olbermann's Dragnet segment.Apparently there is Another Resignation coming tomorrow, Craig ( suposedly the Bathroom Bust is The Least of his problems, there is a "Page" problem). It has been a month of changes and shifting landscape. Have a good night , relax, be safe......and stay dry.
Be Sure to go over to Left Of Centrist, his new Blog is really hopping and he also has given out all kinds of Awards, wonderful blogs....and be sure to go see PT Cruiser and wish him well ( see post below).
Take care out there....have snacks...slow dance...namaste.
Nothing better than musical Friday and Keith Olbermann slamming Bush.
Thanks Larry...I agree...wholeheartedly...
I wanted to congratulate you on your Blog Award enigma.
Have a restful evening and ....
God Bless you.
Hi Everyone ...
Thought I'd visit the Cafe Friday night and sip a cup of Enigma's unique blend. :)
So what's happening ? Do each of you have Labor Day weekend plans ? I'm going to march in a union parade September 3 with my newly adopted collie/shepard dog tagging along. Afterwards, there'll be a barbecue in a downtown park to celebrate the reemergence of the UNION MOVEMENT in America.
If you're staying home this weekend and surfing the Blogs take a moment to stop by mine, THE COSMIC MESSAGE and see what's new.
I've recently switched to a TEAM BLOG featuring three other able writers besides myself. Enigma is included in the lineup of those agreeing to publish one Column a month on a revolving basis.
Don't worry ... she isn't shutting this site down but has graciously agreed to share her thoughts at my Blog in a regular Column.
Kicking things off this week is another talented lady from Ohio, Ceejay. She writes about the parallel between her recent decision to reroof her home and how Congress chooses to finance repairs to the national infrastructure.
Why not visit, evaluate her Commentary and offer an opinion of your own sometime during the holiday weekend.
so ... what's YOUR prediction of the reason Sen Craig will cite for resignation? I'm so tired of the "to spend more time with my family" crapola. If he mentions "to stop dragging my family through the mud", I think I'll puke. The family he refers to is the ready-made family provided by the woman he waited 40+ yrs to find & marry.
The Idaho Statesman has extensive files & notes on their investigation. One thing few have picked up on is that they poked around his Univ of Idaho 1967 time to find male students who recall being propositioned by Sen Craig. That's 1967, as in The Summer of Love. Also, he would not waive access to his FBI file, not even for specific documents the paper requested. Wonder what those are?
In the end, I could give a rat's ass about him or his life. It's the way he, as a powerful senator with the ability to have real impact, has persecuted & hounded a segment of society as if they are somehow lesser beings, that makes me very happy to see him exit, stage right, tail tucked between his wide stance legs.
Cosmic, sounds interesting! I will take a look this weekend. Enigma, hope your weekend is much less hectic than your last few days. May it be peaceful & bring you peace. ~~ D.K.
hi there
so sorry, i jusr realised i hadnt added you to my new blogroll so i have done it now.
and namaste to yourself
ps there is another new nlog like a news service i am doing that you might want to take a look at..
Have a swell weekend yourself. Big year ahead... feels like it starts Tuesday.
Sitting here on a sunny Saturday, doing a little surfing amongst my blog cronies and leaving posts here and there . . .
Listening to a great Dead show from 9-2-85, Oklahoma City, OK . . .
Sun is shining, air is sweet . . .
Resignations, resignations, resignations . . . but I fear nonetheless that the new boss will be much like the old boss . . . so I have quit buying into the whole boss paradigm altogether . . . enhances my experience of the here and now . . .
Nice . . .
hey- hope your basement came out ok. i am sucking up some computer time while the sucking is good! cool today and lovely. finally. i knew i loved september for a reason. :)
Good music and Keith Olbermann . . . nice combination. It's been so long since I've been to your blog, I'd forgotten how good it is. Sorry about the damp basement, by the way.
I'll remember to return more frequently.
I haven't heard the latest on Craig but I don't think we have seen the last. I am so sick of the holier than thou,two faced underhanded politics and lives of these idiots. Have a nice weekend!
Patriot: Craig resigned today and people cheered- yup you can hear it on the tape ( I can't believe that he was treated this way in Idaho)....But I agree I am soooo sick of the hypocrites...
CVRick: I will head your way next- I think I lost track of you too...thanks for coming, and please do come more...
Betmo: you are right September is already feeling better...
Shaman: now I am not suprised that you have some Dead Stored ;-) I am always happy to hear music from the 80s' a return to another Era...a better time...Resignations...maybe change is on the September winds...I mean these have been Key folks that have resigned...
Gary: I agree...it feels like a new year...changes for the Regime..
Micheal: no worries friend...I have to make sure you are on the blogroll too, as I think you have a new blog...wonderful to see you...
DK: I will write on Wide Stance this weekend...I do have some opinions....I have been silent , because I frankly think that another shoe is going to drop...because I suspect someone that engages in such dangerous activity , views it as preverted, and yet seeks this action, and knows it is not safe....which means he can not control his urges...and that says to me that this is old behaviors...and that there is a past...The great indignation and lack of respect he showed the cops ( using a Senate Card as ID???) that says to me that he has been in trouble before....
Cosmic: Hmm, I love to picture you with your dog at that parade...what a lovely thing...and I am sending people your way this week, because you have a wonderful blog, and I am looking forward to blogging with you...
Anony: oh, thanks, I always get embarrassed about things like that..I am pretty shy really..I blog for blogging..so that we connect, that the truth is spoken ...that is why I blog...but still it is very nice...and thank you I will have a good weekend...
Everyone take care...rest up..I think September is going to be interesting..very.
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