So It is Friday Afternoon,and this song linked to the title is about Change by Eric Clapton, and has been bouncing in my head everyday all week as I sweep Rains and Muck out of my basement. (and I am lucky, the rest of the State is suffering too, worse Flooding in 100 years).It is over 98 effin degrees, 104 Heat Index, and so humid I can scrape the" air "off my arm with a butter knife. (Heat Index104??? whateverthe-Eff that means???there are suposed to be Thunderstorms rolling through this eve ). My son is battling a horrendous ear infection and I have been battling a sinus/resp crud ( ala basement petrie dish ). So we have been eating alot of soup and not talking much...because my throat is sore and he can't hear ...ohmy...
It is true I have a pension for men wearing jeans playing ballads on their Guitar. So yes, today it Eric Clapton, Knopfler, and Nathan East singing about CHANGE...and yes, I was a BIG Blind Faith fan too....( Swear to god if The Edge [from U2] ever walked in here strummin, well I would die and go straight to heaven...no lie..and I don't even believe in Heaven....).
"Somebody Must Change....or I can't find My Way Home". That refrain has been stuck in my head all week. Sadly I realized that is why I watch Cspan relentlessly, it is this quest for Hope, For Change....for listening for Someone to say What is my head and my heart and Someone that can lead us Forward....
I will be back later tonight....with Friday Night Music and more...
Wow. I wish I could make you feel better. Def. sounds like the pits. Sounds like you're going to have to join me in letting your soulshine.
Sorry to hear you are under the weather Enigma. I hope the weather gets better for you and your basement gets dried up.
Take care and I will check back tonight.
Sorry your not feeling well. I guess that explains why you haven't stopped by and read my last post.
Hope you feel better soon.
God Bless.
I will be fine anony- I am just feeling whiney...so sorry.. Your post was excellent by the way...or the last one I read was...maybe I better head back..the heat might have melted my brain...
Sounds like both of you have the weather doldrums.
There is nothing worse than a winter cold in summer (unless it's a winter cold in winter). Gargle with warm salt water. Stock up Vick's Lozenges, the menthol-eucalyptus ones. Get better soon, both you & son!
ps, I'm with you on The Edge 100%. ~~ D.K.
you are so right about frigging summer colds...and yes, hmmm the Edge would cure me....yup it is sunday morn...I will go find some U2...that should help...
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