So last night at 6:30 PM there was another Mine Cave In in Utah, where the Rescuers were trying to rescue the trapped miners. As it unfolded, no one from the mines or Murray Energy actually came and gave any information.Finally 2 hours after the event, we were told that there had been an incident, "a bump" they were calling it. By MN West Coast time we learned that three were dead and 8 or 9 injured. Still No sign of the Barron Murray. Finally at about 1am West Coast time we learned that the Governor's Office and rep. was onsite. The Governor gave a Press Conference that I think many of us were grateful to hear, that decisions from now on would be based SOLEY on Safety. He also stated that the Mine was shut down, that the Miners had been evacuated from the Mine, and all Rescue Efforts Ceased. ( It is still unclear if they are continuing the vertical drilling). We await this morning to learn WHAT happened Last night. I am glad to see this Governor take a Stand against this Company and Mr.Murray.
* I will post this governor's phone number today, please call /email and encourage him.He is the first person trying to protect the workers and has been honest about how unsafe this mine really is.*
I wrote a Thank you to Jon Huntsman this am. The Governor.
you can go to their website and write the governor if you want to write, there is a spot that you can write in a messege.
his phones:
FAX: 801-538-1528
and 801-538-1133
So I watched the Effin Press Conference with the Idiot from Murray saying that MrMurray can not be there, that he was at the mines last night- (so where the Fuck is he- cuz he was the one who less than 24 hours ago said that the mine was "safe".( and it is ALL on film ) and he is not injured. AND NOW finally the reporters are yelling out the QUESTIONS that we all had about safety concerns.I I would bet goood money that Murray's lawyer told him to shut him up.
1:24pm Friday
Mr-"I am wearing my cleanest clothes" WONT answer WHERE Murray is ? and they still have not given NAMES of WHO is was hurt , and killed. Reporters are yelling for Murray and they are walking away.
Jeff Goodell " I think it is very bleak"is being interviewed at MSNBC and he is doing a great job explaining it....ALL seismologists keep saying it is a Mine Collapse caused by Mine Activity. The MSNBC reporter- I don't know who he is but he is actually asking really good mining questions.
E4e thoughts:So No Murray has been seen...Well I hope he gets his Walter Brimley Butt out there and ANSWERS some questions and Handles Some Heat about his dumshit statements about how safe the Mine is....But I guess he is just a giant Chickenshit after all..
I am actually going to start timing the Sumbitch and see how long it takes for him to show his face. We last saw him 2pm yesterday. so Here we go. 23 Hours as of 1:30 pm Friday.
1:44 Pm now CNN is getting on the ball and interviewing Lee Siegel , Utah Seismologist, and he explains that there is collapse , and he also explained that seismographs have been installed and area monitoring and he did explain that this activitiy is indeed being caused by Mine Acitiivty NOT Natural disaster.
( CNN actually has great graphics of mine activity)
GOOD finally SOME REAL science.
3PM Murray is STILL MIA...
So the mine is definently not going to be having any more internal rescue efforts. this was said by Strickler and also the Gov in in afternoon conference. Oh, and Captn Coal is still MIA....shocking- I mean he was out huffin and puffin and hoggin air time all week...every friggin hour....( please don't think I miss him, I don;'t and I think MSM effed up by spending so much time on him when they should have been interviewing USGS and Experts-seismic)
OMG,...CNN is planning to air Jerry Falwell- I am swtiching over to MSNBC...
Okay .....so I have been thinking alot about this Mine- How many violations...etcetc..And how much Coal has already been removed- over the years and how much volume per year, and readings carbon monoxide, methane, O2, and on and on....So I went to the Murray website- nope gone. today...what? hmmm.Maybe the webmaster was "fixing' it after the disaster last night....( Sago Mine Site went up and down during the disaster- but you could still always leave condolences messeges for the families). And I tried to access the Mining Safety Records- those should be open- not under there...hmmm..should be able to find, and then I went to the BLM site- you know the Bureau of Land Management......and hmm, nothing there either...Murray has been Evacuated from all of these websites...shit that sucks...for the famlies...
good tracking Enigma. yeah, Stickler & Moore practically ran out of there after reporters started seriously questioning them this morning. Murray will show his face again "when it's safe" (he reminds me of the cowardly lion).
The mining families are not attending the dog'n'pony Murray PR events at that local elementary school too much anymore. They got tired of the BS. No cameras allowed, no film coverage of that either.
Being here in Utah, I can add that area of Utah where the mine is, near Price, is known as "the democratic area of utah". It has a different history than the rest of this very red state, going back to Welsh miners, not mormon. I wonder how much opposition politics of an area plays in response to disaster like this. I think after Katrina, we all wonder.
I will look for the Murray info you are seeking & email if I find it. Days ago, I was reading all about his mining violations. How he blames Al Gore for Global Warming & then threatens people with increased utility costs if the govt mandates any change in coal mining in response to climate change. I'll try to retrace my steps.
Oh & one more thing: neither Mr Murray nor any of his companies has ever given $1 to democrats. That's unusual. Even the most blatant repug supporters always give some token amt to dems so as not to appear to be buying party votes. ~~ D.K.
Stay tuned...have information coming in...and your info Dk is very helpful...and interesting...
Countdown had alot of Murray taped, and the thing is he said"the mountain is till ALIVE" ( not true- I think that if anything the Mine is DYING....)
and he also said that it is NOT Unsafe...wtf???
It is indeed unsafe...there are dead people...
okay I am done venting...
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