Announcement made issued from WH, by Dainty Dana Perino at 7:30am...no press conference. The Turd Blossum will be gone before Bush returns from Vacation. WHAT ? WHY ? Did Mitt Hire him? Are there too many Supoenas flying at him and the WH? is he just now one more Rat jumping ship? WHAT gives?...Thoughts?
*** UPDATE : at 11;28 Rove and Bush gave press conference before flying off to Texas to vacation. They were both all choked up and emotional.Rove plans to go dove hunting and spend time with his family. ( I could not help but wonder is that phrase some kind of sickass joke?) I hope Leahy is working on supoeanas.....( yes, I changed the photo, Bush looked very incovenienced, snitty just like when he had to let scooter go....) I hope that this is MOVE that means something....not just more slithering of snakes in the grass...
**** Photo is not real....please just accept it for the photoshop vision that it is...gotta have hope.
The standard line to "spend time with their family" usually means they are about to be indicted.
One can dream!
and how it was handled.. so odd....little Dana announcement...susposedly there will be a press conf. later today with both he and Bush ( oh lovely I can't wait....)
One can dream....you betcha...
( and you are right...the family line always means trouble afoot....hmmm....he can still get a pardon....)
What if Alberto was about to be indicted for perjury? that would leave Rove in trouble , would it not?
What if Rove said" its ME or Gonzo? "to bush....
who would bush pick?
but if gonzo is about to be indicted that could be very interesting...
Enigma - What a nice Blog Birthday Present! No no he really just wants to spend some quality time with his family. Has he bought any plaid shirts lately? Is he going to revert to Normonism?
Remoras don't normally let loose unless their ride is sick and in trouble or there is a definate prospect of a better meal, although after reading the hagfish wiki ("a nuisance to fishermen by devouring the catch before it can be pulled to the surface") you may be spot on about Gonzo (maybe rove is gonna turn & testify against his buddies... for immunity of course.)
or maybe he just wants to be out of town for Petraeus's visit, the demonstrations scheduled for that time and der boosh's declaration of martial law in response.
Just because he's leaving his office doesn't mean he's leaving his telephone. Bush will - in all likelihood - call him frequently for advice. As for Indictments? God knows, I can only hope!
I hope they're hauling him off to Gitmo.
Happy blogiversary!
Well, now that he's officially not a WH official, he CAN be subpoenaed, can't he? hope Leahy is busy on that.
Oh, Rove says the FIRST thing he's going to do now is "go dove hunting in West Texas"??!! Any person who still possesses an intact face down there better be on the lookout.
He's such a Bush family loyalist, I wonder about him maybe architecting Jebroforprez. The repubs don't seem too happy with their choices so far. ~~ D.K.
As a private citizen, he can be indicted. However, I'm sure that if that happens, Bush will find, in his tiny little heart, some compassion and issue a full pardon for Scabbers.
Rover let the WSJ break the story..precisely their OpEd guy..strange no?
Also, an Atlantic Monthly has a nice writeup about his smarmy history.
He said he wants to teach..perhaps Dirty Tricks 101, or Destroying the Constitution, advanced studies??
I still want him in prison orange and doing the perpwalk.
Diva: he can be indicted....and supoenaed...and yes I am sure a pardon is very doable...esp. if he is not a current employee...
DK: yes, he says he wants to go dove hunting, I guess we can hope he invites Dick...
No Blood: well, we can hope can 't we?
He has been subpoenaed, along with Harriet Meirs.
Bush told them to refuse the subpoenas, citing executive privilege.
So far, Congress has let the m slide.
How are ya?
For the wrap party, Woody asked for an Ann Coulter Pinata filled with squashable Karl Rove dolls. Guy sure knows how to have fun.
Great minds e4e. We both used the same picture. :-)
that is because we both have the same minds eye...wishful thinking....hehe.....
Okay...Let the supoenas fly and let's see if he can use EP , as an EX employee....and let's hope that other shoe drops soon...cuz WE Know that something else is going on...
Maybe someone could render KKKRove to a basement somewhere and use intensive interrogation on him to get him to talk.
Get it all on tape and release to to media around the world.
And if KKKRove says he was tortured the tape could have a part on it saying that the same techniques used are those that Der Fuhrer Bush employs at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib.
And as we all know the Decider says we don't torture.
Maybe also put the fear of the Lord in KKKRove's little mind.
God Bless.
ahhhh Anony P...but what if the Turd does not view such practices as "torture".....I would hate for him to enjoy Anything...( bad enigma ..very very bad..)
sigh....we will see what happens friend....I am praying for Justice....and that their evil deeds are catching up to them,....
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