You must go to the Blog linked to the title- it is breathtaking and So Inspiring. This beautiful Boat named the Anne is home to this wonderful couple and they are on a Mission and an Adventure of a lifetime. Add them to your blogroll, root for their goals, and enjoy the beautiful journey they are on......
Ahhhhh, a wonderful find E4E. ty
Given the chance, I would be on that boat in a heartbeat.
Did anyone ever tell you that you are a Thoughtful Blogger? I did.
Hey Mirth,.....me2...you bethca....
Robert: hmmmm, so I am a thoughtful blogger...wow...thanks..( I think you are pretty thoughtful yourself)
Hey, Enigma, you do get around!
I used to be a yachtie myself and lived on my own boat for a couple of years. Never ventured too far offshore though because the ocean can be a brutal enemy. I'll put their link on my Special Links and thanks to you for your amazing discovery!
I get around...yeah...and oh how I wish I was on THAT boat right now;...beautiful Anne....exquisite...
you are more than welcome daniel...
( and if I ever get off this effin NO FLY LIST I will come down there and see you:-)
[ oh, yeah, the Enigma is on the effin No Fly LIst....just a nurse...that pissed off some of the Bushies...there are 1000's of us...it sucks...]
BUT one day I will get down under....for sure...
so nice
You've been finding some good ones lately, and I wouldn't mind being on that boat myself.
I vote that they continue! You only go around once or so they say. Touring the ocean would be nice at least in tropical areas I think.
Love ocean sunrises and sunsets. I was lucky enough to grow up on the ocean in Salem, Ma. and had a rowboat as a little kid and lived the matey life since I was a child of the streets.
After the military I lived in Ipswich, Ma and dug clams for a living for a few years where you need a boat plus I fished and lobstered. Great life if you can do it but I am pretty much boated out but could go for a cruise.
I'm sure I'd get seasick and I'd need to be sure there was 1,000 days worth of coffee beans handy. But I can feel the freedome and joy and challenge and closeness of the two sailors. Wow.
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