[Every Thursday this month I am crossposting over at Sirens Chronicles, and the eve after the post has run over there I will post here on Watergate Summer.So first 9 comments are from folks that went over to Sirens, sorry for any confusion.]
This post may be personal, but I think there are many families wrestling with The Issue I am going to raise. And watching the Tillman Hearings has been tugging at my heart, also making the Issue of Honor all the more poignant.I am a mom, and yes, I am a long time anti-war person, I was raised Quaker and yes, I am a longtime Buddhist.I was mostly raised by steel magnolias, Strong Southern Women, bourbon drinkingswearing Kentucky Women that made me speak my mind and my heart.
I am raising my son with those values well intact and passed on with love and respect.He is a teenager, I lovingly call him 6-6 on my blog, he is my Manchild, a gentle giant.He is more cerebral than me, he is always immersed in books and the computer. He thinks with his mind and his heart. he wants to be a writer, and make movies, independent films.But the conversation , the Discussion we keep having is about Honor.
It goes like this late at night, when I am tired, he will bring IT up again. Now heaven help us if it is a day when I have been listening to the Tillman Hearings (aka LIES).
6-6 :"I think I should do Something that has Honor"
Tired Enigma:"well, wanting to be writer is very honorable."
6-6 responds:"I am not sure it is good enough.Does it make a real difference ? I think the Military, the National Guard? The Marines?"
I say: "yes, they all are Honorable men and women, and they do good work. BUT what about Iraq, would you want to go there? be stuck in a Civil War?"
6-6:"hmm, you are right....I don't want to be part of an Illegal War. But what about the National Guard, they serve the Country? They are not trained to kill?"
Enigma now groaning and really tired, "Well, that is true( I think, not sure). But the troops over in Iraq are more than 30% Guard , and aboiut 70% of Our Guard has rotated through Iraq, they are not trained well enough, or cared for enough- to kill or even by in Battle over there. But they have no control over the "work" they do.
6-6:"well, what options do I have?"
Me: "well, what about Peace Corp?"
6-6:" WEl, considering we are hated all over the world right now, is that really worth pursuing? I don't want to be the next Chris Matthews?"Can you just understand that I just want to do Something that Matters, that makes a Difference?"
I have had people in my family that served in WWII and Vietnam. ( I also had people that were driven to Canada in the middle of the night, by the WWII Vet). But I do understand what makes young people want to make a Difference. And I understand after 911 Recrutiment rates went up and people wanted to make a difference, and yes, many fine young men and women are in Iraq because of that patriotism that swept the land....and I worry.Because I think we are in an Era where again Propaganda could and can be easliy used by Men Without Honor to usurp the Dreams and Hopes of Honorable Young People.
And I think that there are coffins returning to Dover everyday,hidden from view, Hidden from Scrutiny and Questions, Hidden from the Hearts and Eyes of us all. There are times when the Silence and Lies and Hidden Photos are indeed part of the Propaganda, and Wounding the Honor of this Country.

*** Click the Title, It is Joan Baez at her best, "Where have all the Flowers Gone", but the video/slideshow is unexpected and very beautiful....
I'll be there.
'skuze me, but I am writing a new FILum called Kink of Hearts 3-D and I want you to be init. It's a anti-war FILum.
Woody- I will come see you later today- promise....
See you at Sirens Larry...
I am on my way! I love Joan Baez but my favorite rendition of Where have all the flowers gone is Peter Paul and Mary.
ahhh.Peter Paul and Mary, almost put them up...hmmm.this weekend...okay Patriot?
We sang that song in my high school during 60's day. It was only 1979 but we were already nostalgic.
I absolutely love 60's protest songs to this day. Perhaps now more then ever.
Been there earlier! :)
Joanie is the best. This song takes me right back to a sad day in the nixon era when I drove through the Rosecrans natl cemetary in San Diego. Seeing endless rows of white crosses running up a brilliant green lawn hillside looking down on the Pacific Ocean. The flower of their generation. ~~ D.K.
When will they ever learn? Gosh, we're still asking that question 40 years later. Maybe they should send that question down to those Texas geniuses who finally figured out why people have sex!
The destruction of the Guard has ominous implications for the present Federal Government, but they're too stupid to understand it. Yet.
Thank you for giving Sirens a little publicity. I heart you for it E4E :)
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