This weekend Watergate Summer turns 2. This is my 3rd summer blogging. I started reading blogs during the 2004 Election year.That spring I became as hooked as I was reading newspapers. I used to read 5 papers a day, but all of that changed. I now only read what I want to read on certain sites, and I have not bought a newspaper in a long time.The blogs used to highlight revelant news, much of it being missed by MSM.One of the first blogs I got hooked on was Skippy. By 2005 summer I had had it with This Regime, and I knew after throwing alot of things at the TV I was going to have a Blog....and by the time King George went on vacation I was committed. This blog has blogged Katrina, Mine Disasters, Elections, Corruption,Iraq, VETS,YouTube, PTSD,Homelessness,Urban Living,memories and reciepes.Over the past two years I have tried to weave it together, the emotional aspects of life with the finer moments, whether it be art or music or just stories. I mostly wanted to create a place that was warm and real, where we could share.It became in so many ways more than a place in time. I am so grateful to many that have riden out many storms here.Thank you for reading my little blog.....and being a part of it.
** DK nominated IMAGINE by John Lennon...and she is right, this song is what my Blog is ALL about....thank you.**
I'll bite. "Road to Shambalah" came to my mind.
Happy blogbirthday!
Happy Blog Birthday Enigma and don't stop doing what you are doing.
It works!
Yes, a very Happy Birthday from me also.
Please go read the comments over at Left of Centrist for the World Blog Report directly under the Classic Rock Friday post.
Remember it's the comments for the World Blog Report you need to read.
God Bless.
Happy birthday!! And may the next year bring you many good things!
Congratulations! Two years is a long time to write a blog of such quality, but I'm counting on two more years.
Happy BBDay (blog birth day)! I always look fwd to your posts. Not just the politics, but the heartwarming personal stories & compassionate observations as well. Plus your sense of humor, which surfaces even as you condemn an arsehole. Keep telling the truth!
Song that reminds me of your blog: "Imagine" by John Lennon. ~~ D.K.
Congrats enigma and many more to come. Your Blog speak brings a lot of wonderful tunes to mind. Not being inclined that way of course I can't think of any.
I am always saying I hope some day we can make a difference. Today I caught kos founder markos Moulitsas on meet the press with Sen. Ford and I now believe we have struck a nerve and are beginning to make a difference. Now if we can only make a difference with Bush but I doubt it.
Patriot: hey there, I too caught that interview ( and what the hell is wrong with FORD? he looked very liebermanish...) anyways....I HOPE and so believe that blogs do and are making a difference...and about Bush- he is an idiot...he does no compute at all ( on anylevel...)but as long as Americans start to realize that the MSM has failed us- and blogs are about keeping what matters and real in the spotlight....and keeping americans talking reading and dialoguing....
DK: thank you., and thank you for being such a part of this blog....and yes, I believe that many an arsehole has been proprely shredded here....hmm, Imagine is wonderful....I might have to find that...
Kvatch: ahhh, thank you for all of your help these past two years ( if it wasn't for you and Left of Center there were a couple of times this blog almost drowned in Blogger woes).
Glenda: thank you so much...and for being here through thick and thin....
Anony: thank you so much...you have made me blush...wow...such hugh praise over there...
Larry: thank you I think I will keep blogging along as I have...just keep going...and hope that it bring everybody a bit of what they need...
Alaskababy: thanks...and oooh a good song...from the past..I love that song....
Wow, three years ... takes dedication and also creativity to keep a good work up that long. Keep going!
All the best
Raise a glass in tribute to the red-haired lady's blog
sending out her soul-reverberations like a "Message in a Bottle";
Who just writes that which she feels,
tugging so many hearts in resonant chords.
May your efforts bring you the joys and peace
which flow so profusely thru your words
and bring others to sing their own "Redemption Song".
Happy Blog Birthday! Keep blogging!
Happy Birthday Watergate Summer!
You know my blog is just a few months older. And I started for many of the same reasons that E4E did. I just could not hold it in anymore.
First off, I had to put Lennon's song for the Blog- Imagine is what this blog is all about...and what I believe with all my heart.,...so thanks DK and it is now linked to the title....
Gryphen: I know we started the same year, and your blog is also one of the first I got hooked on...and I think we have helped keep each other sane...I think....I hope ;-)
Robert: thank you friend...you too...
Aballoflight: thank you so much for your kind words...thank you and ....namaste.
NaJ;...well it is just my 3rd summer...and I sure hope to be doing this for years to come....just NOT under the Bush regime....
Thank you all again...
happy 2nd birthday on your blog... Here's wishing you many more... :-)
thanks static...and I will make sure you are over on blogroll- I think something is askew...I will fix tonight...( I will also add the other blog as well)
Happy 2nd Blog Birthday, that's quite an achievement!!
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Don't you know Bush is feeling deserted right now? I mean, Bush's never finished anything on his own, always quitting, leaving the shambles behind and moving on.
Now his best buddy, the Turd Blossom, is leaving him. Don't you know Bush would love to just quit and follow in his footsteps now that he's totally screwed this one up too? Begin his new life in Paraguay or anyplace that will take him without threat of extraditing him back to his good ol' US of A.
And happy anniversary, enigma. Rove's departure is ALMOST the best present possible, huh?
Best present I can think of....thank you Dada...hmmm...something is afoot...for sure....
Happy Birthday E4E!!!!! I am so glad I found your blog..you light up my day with your wisdom :)
Happy Blog Birthday. Glad you are here and keep on going.
Happy Birthday!! Great blog, greta blogger. :-)
Dusty, Tom, and Monk...I will keep at it...with much work still to do...and such good folks..
HB, Watergate Summer!
Blog on!
(Post more pix of the cute cats please!)
A cat site you might enjoy (apolitical): lolcats.com
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