First off Head over to Crooks& Liars Skippy is there with a Great Round Up....
Or you can just hop on down to this wonderful list of Bloggers...Thought Provoking and Well Written...
Sunday Wonders,
Lib's Earth Watch
Susie Q
Let's Talk About It
Politics Plus
Recovering Liberal
Who Hijacked Our Country
enigma my sweet rose...
Please read my reply to your comment I received from you on my last posting at my site. I thought you had gone back over and read it, however it appears I was wrong.
Please go read it.
God Bless you enigma.
Thank you anonyP..done...namaste..
Here's my reply. I copied it and it is pasted below.
Anon-Paranoid said...
enigma my rose...
No need to apologize. We all have hope that things will change, but we also have to accept the fact that it might not be in our lifetime.
It's hard to stop a racing train running out of control down the tracks. We can only hope that the damage it does, does not cripple us to badly.
We speak out to deaf ears and hope and pray that we can reach at least one person who will wake up and realize that because it may not effect them now it will effect their children and their children's children for years to come.
Anything more than that is indeed a bonus and over time more people will realize that they once again have to take responsibility not only for their lives, but the lives of there brothers and sisters around the World too.
I truly doubt that you could ever do anything malicious towards me, both in thought, deed and word.
Keep up your hope and prayer. Remember that God does answer prayers. He just answers them in His own time, place and choosing. Not ours.
Stay safe my sweet rose and hold on to your hope and prayers.
God Bless you enigma.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Sorry for any confusion have to hit the sack now and...
God Bless you.
Oh enigma...
One more thing. Go over and read this post at Lydia Cornell its called Where Have All Our Freedoms Gone.
Be sure to read all the comments. Some are very long, but the implications speak volumes about what I and others have been saying.
Like you we are all concerned about the direction our country is heading and this post and comments will shed new light on where were possibly heading.
Once again I hope not, but the signs are all there and no ones sees it.
God Bless you.
Good blogs all E4E :)
Great round up Enigma!
Thanks Diva and Dusty...
and AnonP- I know about the discussion over at Lydias- I am in there somewhere...but I know that many are saying it feels like 1930's Germany...and many have left this country- people abroad know that.....I know...but for someone like me- with nowhere to go and a son....I have to have even a smidgeon of hope...and hang on a little longer...( and yes, I KNOW how corrupt this govt is....believe me- I KNOW)
Thank you E4E!
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