[painting by John Singer Sargent, click the Title: SEAL: "Lost My Faith", changed the song, 6-6 pointed out that the "Waiting for You" song sounded like a stalker anthem....so found an older Seal song- that actually is very interesting, has Catherine Zeta Jones and Sean Connery...yup...Sean in a music video?....and also if you need HUMOR , well go to Agitprop on the blogroll- he has a Craig video that is just too funny]
So we all survived the King's visit to NOLA, and the MSM didn't totally abandon the folks there.And I guess the King has had a terrible week, and really a terrible summer. As he spoke alone by a bridge, I thought maybe part of this summer is that he now gets to learn about Abandonment firsthand. I also wondered is he worried about Craig and the Bathroom Bust ? It is interesting that he does not give Statements about Things That Matter anymore, The Mining Disaster or Morality failures, or the Surge Failure ?
About MSM coverage, Anderson Cooper did a good job, he even had footage from 2 years ago and he didn't back off on how the folks have been treated, or mistreated. I am grateful that he has gone back over 20 times, I just wish other Media had shown the same level of Integrity.
I am going to spend the next few days painting and cleaning, and get ready for fall. I realize people will be going away....I wish I had somewhere to go. I used to always go to the Beach during Labor Day week.....oh well...If I could go anywhere I would go to Maine and sit by the beach, go for long walks, and eat lots of buttery lobster and corn on the cob.....sigh....More tomorrow.
Bush's photo ops of today, mirror those of each meak visit he has made since he finished his bi-monthly vacation, while thousands fell in deep jeopardy, 2 years ago.
Hi Larry...I did what I always do when the Delusionator is on the screen too much in 24 hours - I clean..because he leaves me feeling dirty....tainted....disgusted....His Negligence, the Flyover that caused Death...leaves me so sick and saddened...and still 1000's missing and WHO will ever know how many dead....too many...thanks Larry...
The question I've asked in several columns written about Katrina the past couple years is why haven't the state attorney generals of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama indicted President Bush yet for criminal neglience ?
Could it be they fear their states won't get enough federal pork dollars sent to them if they seriously file charges against Bush/Cheney ?
and sadly Cosmic I think you did hit the Answer- I too have often wondered the same sad question..
I am getting ready to put something critical together involving the chief idiot, the middle east, and the future if the world.
Before I did I thought I would check in with you and see what you had to say. You hit a nerve. You mention an interest in my Maine. Besides working many farms there the coast is a wonder land. Ever go to the nubble? Goldenrods? Browns? York Beach? the Marginal Way etc ?
I don't blame you for wanting to be there. I brought my kids there every summer for Vacation. Keep dreaming, you are a good one, you will get satisfaction.
When times are dark we need to hold onto Places of the Heart....for me it is that simple..People and Places of the heart keep me grounded....rooted.
I don't know if that helps Patriot...and please do keep me posted ...
if i did that, i would end up staying there in maine. i love it. it is a beautiful place. i have to get to cleaning too- i am procrastinating. as for the nola folks and the gulf region in general, i wish them well. they will get no help from this government so whatever we, the people, can do- we should. we should not abandon our own- and although i share citizenship with the likes of bushco- they are not one of us.
I'm with you -- can't go traveling right now. If I could go anywhere, ANYWHERE? I fantasize about bicycling through Lavaux, Lake Geneva region, Switzerland. Just me, hubby, our backbacks, stopping at every winery along the route. Double advantage: escaping the heat, escaping our own national tsuris. Maybe we'd just find an old farm cottage & plunk down forever. ~~ D.K.
I would like to think Bush knows the lomeliness of going it alone But he does not. Remember he is doing Gods wor or so he believes so he is not alne.
He is focused on the middle east and how he is going to move forward. He will make a move and force us and the world into a trap and whether we get out of it is up to the world. Just watch this idiot and don't under estimate this fool.
Hey Enigma, checking in. Haven't been here in a long time.
I love Maine, too. My grandmother just back back from her 40th summer there- Thats a long time! But I know that to her, it is a common place of memories where we all used to be together. But now we are all busy, working, cant take the time off, kids and sports, things that happen in families.
I love that crisp air in the morning, needing a jacket in the summer. Even making fires and drinking hot chocolate! I think of white birches, calm cold lakes.
I hope all is well with you. -Lily
I'll have a Kodiak moment when he's tried in the Hague, found guilty of War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and hung on the gallows in a public execution.
God Bless.
John Singer Sargent is my favorite artist. All of his stuff is extraordinary.
You know, I can't watch your president on TV. When he comes on, I have to change the channel.
Josie: hey there...I do also love Sargent...( I don't know the name of this print- it was in an email someone sent me...) I can't stand George- he is WHY there is a MUTE on the remote...and I used to throw socks at the TV, but even the cat got tired of it.....
Anony: I know I know....have a good weekend friend...
Lily: Hey there...Hope all is well with you...and thank you for the wonderful memories...nice....hmmm hot chocolate...and hmmm and SMORES?
Patriot: I never ever underestimate Fools..any fools...esp ones in DC...though...take care of that wrist...please...
DK: oh, yes, let's dream BIG...let's go. and eat cheese and go drink that wonderful AIR...and soak up nice clean Geneva...and oh please can we take a detour down to Italy....*sigh*
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