If you click the title you will see the True Devastation of Katrina and the Lower 9th Ward. It is no better all of these many monthes later. But Mr Bush felt it was more important to pay tribute by dining and drinking , and pretending to care.I hope and pray that come Election Year we VOTE for the 1000's effected by this Criminally Negligent Regime....And yes, as this is the anniversary of Katrina, I will be posting on Katrina everyday this week. If you click the title, it is part 1 Of the Drive, Lower 9th Ward by NOVAC, beautifully done and poignant, as not much has changed since they initially filmed in December 2005.
Wed. Update:MrBush gave a speech today, on a Bridge to Nowhere, a nice contrived little Lonely Pathetic Photo op, the Delusionator that he is, he did not even acknowledge the Death and Destruction that NOLA has endured and is still suffering.
It is too bad that CCN is not smart enough to reconize their Journalistic Duty and AIR ALL of the Video that they have from 2 years ago, as well as video by Spike Lee and Greg Palast. They are airing Soledad's Special and also Anderson Cooper's Special , but they could have dedicated a whole week to it.
Please feel free to vent, and share your thoughts below...
Isn't it telling of an egotistical President who would rather dine for photo ops, that fullfill his obligation to those thousands of lives that have been destroyed!
Now here should be plenty of protests, despite his booklet to get rid of them! ; (
At least he didn't go shopping, eh??
Nothing like a criminal returning to the scene of the crime.
Bush does not care about Katrina in the way he wants average Americans to think. Right after it happened I wrote a story saying Repugs allowed nature to do what they could not do legally and that is close down all the public housing projects abd clean up the city of NO for the walthy. Many thought I was crazy but look at it now.
NO is being rebuilt for the affluent and the poor are largely gone and their areas can no longer be built in. Only enough will find room to feed the new NO.
I didn't save it but I saw a story this morning how the mosey areas are doing great while the poor areas still look nuked. I am sickened to see Bush once again go there and say he cares while it is totally obvious what has been allowed to happen.
This is just one small part of his new societal order. I am disgusted that after all this time and Billions spent the levees are still inadequate and will not be up to snuff until 2015 but the rich's tourist industry is going full swing.
Again I can only shake my head. WTF? I'm sickened! How do these diots continue to get away with this? I want to scream.
The speech. Did you see his speech? It was unbelievable.
He says that some people may ask about the governments attention, that just giving a speech in the town's square is not enough and that he needed to show they were still thinking of New Orleans. By GIVING ANOTHER SPEECH!
He also said the 80% of the money has made it to New Orleans, TWO YEARS LATER! And this is what he is proud of?
I am sorry , but I was appalled so often during that speech that I actually turned the volume on my television up because I thought I might be hearing him wrong. But of course I wasn't.
Maybe he and Larry "Wide Stance" Craig can pool their money to buy a more effective speech writer taht they can both share for future press conferences. (Yeah I am just nowhere near done using the Larry Craig references yet. He is almost as comically bountiful as the "Rove shot a guy in the face" episode.)
Plus, ShrubCo has the gall to ask Congress for $50 billion more for Iraq while only asking for $3.4 billion for all of the Gulf Coast restoration over a two year period. Worse, he'll probably get the money for Iraq and money for the people of NO will be little, if any, by the time Halliburton, et al, are finished getting their shares. And, who pays for this? We do!
I just finished reading all of your comments, and yes, I share you frustation, angst and teethgritting jawdropping horror at how shameful this Dicktator really is...
He is on CNN right now filling people fuhh of BS. I hope they pan to NO and show all the poor what 14.8 Billion has done for them. Nothing! Screw that stupid Kodack moment bridge!
Yes, there are times when I pray for the SPLIT screen- that shows the Delusionator For What he really is....very telling that Seperate Memorials were planned today....and No ONE invited the Delusionator...NO ONE...he had to plan his own friggin Kodak Moment....
Maybe we can all pray that the next bridge he rides over collaspes when their in the middle of it.
This way we know he goes down with the Bridge and maybe, just maybe it will land on top of his limo.
God Bless.
Oh Anony thank you or always being creative....
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