MSNBC tonight 7pm Eastern. Now this should be good, NO Tweety and of course Keith could moderate a cowpie throwing contest ( or Cowpie Bingo as they call it out West) and I would watch....and I am hoping Everybody gets Equal Time tonight....I am a little confused, why it is a "Forum" and not a Debate. I also just learned that Gravel won't be there tonight....darn. I think I will head over to crooks and liars tonight. I will try to be more polite than the last debate....I will try.
Gravel is not that helpful in keeping the Democrats honest because he is..oh what's the word for it...oh yeah crazy!
Now if they dump Kucinich we can have a huge bitchfest about that.
And the Republicans must never, ever, ever lose Ron Paul, because that is the only Republican that can tell the Goddamn truth!
sigh.... I know you are right Gryphen...sad but true....
( hmm, not loyal to the Alaksa man ?? I see...Yeah and Kucinich better get MORE time tonight....)
Watching the debate right now. Very moving gentleman who worked at LTV Steel asking what's wrong with America and what can we do to fix it.
Tears came to my eyes when the gentleman stopped speaking.
I must confess that this is a very good debate.
God Bless
They should just keep Keith as the moderator for all future debates. He is quick on his feet, does not do that stupid baiting thing that Tweety keeps doing, and he was even able to interject a joke or two.
The only choices I would consider that might be better, and more entertaining, are Jon Stewart of Stephen Colbert.
I dare you to visualize a debate moderated by Stephen Colbert without breaking into a huge shit eating grin. And then imagine if it were a REPUBLICAN debate. Oh the joy!
Keith was good and did it all with class.
Well, I thought Kucinich was on fire. I didn't know he had it in him. But then afterwards, listening to MSM pointy heads critique it, the only person who agreed with me was Pat Buchanan.
C-Span ran a repeat of a Seattle Town Hall Meeting of a few famous progressive radio talk show hosts. They and the whole audience seemed to agree on one point: we cannot allow the Dems to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in '08 = we have to support whichever Dem wins the nomination & work to see the general election is won by a big enough margin that the rove-vote-switching-touchscreens cannot overcome it. Mike Malloy said this scared him more than anything. ~~ D.K.
Keith was wonderful....and yes, this upcoming election is it...last chance to save what is left of our shredded country...
I did not see it last night - went to bed so damn early with my cold and drugs, and STILL feel sick. But I do applaud the AFL-CIO for waiting to endorse. I think they're holding out for Al Gore.
so sorry you are sick Diva...it was the best debate yet...parts of it are on YouTube and cspan...
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