Many years ago, on August 6th, 2001 Mr.Bush was brought a Memo called" Bin Laden Prepared to Attack In US", It was a very serious memo, A WARNING, brought to him after threats were raised that summer by Bin Laden.Harriet Miers was with him when it was delivered. Weeks later the 911 Attacks would happen.... Yet we would not learn of the memo until Condi Rice was questioned about it at the 911 Hearings in 2004.Why did they Hide the Memo? Was it because they were already getting ready for Iraq, and this was an inconvenience or a propaganda problem?
Has he learned how to Read yet ?
Has he learned how to tell the Truth ?
Do we Trust this man that has trouble reading?
Do we Trust that he can and does Tell the Truth?
trust and our president are not two words i would use together - grin
love the picture....
He read it and he knew. Cheney did too. So, what happened?
As long as daddy and daddy's friends make lots and lots of moolah, he doesn't give a flying f*&#% what happens to this country.
Oh my Lord enigma! You are good and funny. You raise so many questions this is not going to be a quick answer but maybe entertaining.
The reason for ignoring the warning was many fold. He had a plan from the beginning and no one is going to alter its end now!
From 9/11 he has been following a plan. 9/11 gave him the excuse to start his power grab viz-a-viz the Patriot Act. Fighting terrorism was not it. It was just the reason he needed to attack Iraq and start to implement his new middle east and world order.
As you may remember, Bush was looking for something to happen that would put the country and the world behind what he already had plans to do and it wasn't fighting terrorism as he wanted you to think. 9/11 gave him that something. He has been lying and misleading right from the beginning.
He had plans right from the beginning to establish a new middle east order.
He used the excuse of 9/11 to attack Iraq and unsettle the middle east guaranteeing the loss of Afghanistan, Iraq, and the entire middle east. If fighting terrorism was his goal he would have stayed in Afghanistan or gone after Saudi Arabia or Pakistan and he will next. He lied to our troops and us from the beginning. Nothing and no one can stop this now. It is beyond anyone's control and it will get a lot worse.
He did this so he could further his idea of a new middle east order. Of course lying all the while and whipping up as much support and frenzy as he could in the media and minds he controls until he can fully implement his plans. However they were doomed to fail from conception!
At this point it behooves him to continue to ignore reality and continue to whip up a frenzy so he can continue staying the course in order to further prosecute his new middle east order. However it has already failed and no one can turn it around.
There is so much more but later. As for Condi she too has been lying through her teeth from the beginning and those worthless hearings merely showcased that and the fact that everyone involved was guilty but noone was guilty of anything.
The memo was hidden until 9/11 occurred and now you know why. It was brought out because it'a hiding already served its purpose. You are right about Iraq.
Going after them as you just read was only one of the original reasons to get us into the middle east and as you see nothing will make Bush leave until he prosecutes what he thinks will be his new middle east order. That too gets a lot worse!
You know, I have to laugh, Bush can read but he has no comprehension. He will never tell the truth and you better never trust him. Look at him and consider the source. Keep that fool at arms length and he will get you anyway. Good Post!
I have read that X-man comic back when I was a comic book collector, and I can attest to the fact that it is full of big words and plot points that would be far too complicated for our simpleton-in-chief.
Actually for that matter I have the same opinion concerning the Donald Duck comic.
I would like to mention that I read my comics right along with my Fredric Nietzsche and Rene Descartes philosophy books.
Some were a fanciful interpretation of the world we live in and the others featured superheroes and talking ducks.
ahhhh gryphen that was funny...very...
now here is the weird thing...I wrote a comment earlier...and now it is gone...???
I will be back...have to check other comments and see if any posted...
Chimpy and his mistress were too busy fighting the "menace" of those anti-ballistic missiles. And the warning didn't mention Saddam either, which was more than enough reason for Oedipus Gump to ignore it.
Would you trust a rattlesnake at your feet knowing it will strike and bite you? Inflicting a wound filled with poison from its bite that will kill you?
If the answer is no than how can you trust a man who will laugh while he does everything to destroy everything we all love?
If the answer is yes than your sicker than you think.
God Bless.
Has he learned how to Read yet ?
Perhaps a better question would be: Is he even sentient?
ooh, and the WAY Condi revealed the title of that PDB: "ummm, I THINK (rolling eyes upward) it was called, errr, (young girly breathy voice) SOMETHING like, ummm (furtive eye glance around the room, then full breath-controlled rapid-delivery of a practiced actress) BinLadendeterminedtoattackintheUnitedStates, but that was more of a, you know, (shoulder shrug) historical document.
Gaaah! A pox on all their houses! File it under the "3 Shakespeares" (like he got them on the generic aisle at the discount mart) GWB talked about being on his nightstand while wandering around the 3 brightly colored, but unfinished, Katrina Cottages with Brian Williams.
I trust him & his chaingang like I would trust big hungry Kodiaks not to swallow the salmon that jump from the river into their mouths. I think we are all feeling the salmon's pain. ~~ D.K.
I could swear one of my comments disappeared here, too. Hmmmmm, the new FISA law not only snoops, it also does some erasures as well?
George reads the world, or even a book or newspaper, like I read sanskrit...
PM: sanskrit- wow....now that is something...( maybe you could tutor George)...
Newsguy: I could swear you and I and Larry wrote comments here- but I can not find them now...very very odd...( I am going to check my email- cuz I swear they are there)
DK: that is the best play by play I have ever heard...I woud trust the bears more at this point...
Kvatch: do you really want an answer to that from the very grumpy enigma...ahhh no, I didn't think so....
AnonP: oh no you had to bring up snakes...WH is nothing but a snakepit at this point....
JR: Oedipus Gump....LOL....that is priceless...
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