( Sorry no pics...)
So my teenage son came in last night and says " Hey, guess What ? If I was going to be a Porn Star, guess what my Name would be ?"
Shocked Enigma spews Diet Pepsi across the room....
6-6: " Oh, don't worry I still want to write and direct movies, AND NOT PORN. But I found this cool formula how you pick your name."
Me; " Where did you FIND the Cool Formula? I mean you aren't watching porn right?"
6-6: "Nooooo. Geeezzzz. I found the formula on the internet.So My Name would be 'Bogey Broadway'"
Me: "Wow ...that is not too bad. I am impressed. Okay so what is the formula? "
6-6:" You take the name of your first Pet, and then the name of the street you grew up on."
Me:" hmmmm, that means I would be "Muffin or Muffy Beachnut"
much laughter.......
Okay So WHAT would Your Porn Name be ???? Come on.....
I don't know - Laddie Northwest-Arm doesn't work for me...
OMG, this is great: Tinkerbell Philadelphia! But ... this is even better, my husband's would be King Dicky! quick, get us some fairy dust & a halloween nixon mask & send us on the road ~~ D.K.
Hmmm Cartlege - Laddie Northwest- that isn't bad....
( you probally would not get TOP billing...)
DK: holy cow...too funny I am still laughing...lol....you all could be team...tooo funny...killing me...( Your First Film could be ???? Tinky and Dicky in NeverNever Land)
Mitzi Charlotte....
Hmmmm...nice ring to it, huh?
Well, I guess "Shadow Jefferson" isn't too bad.
oh boy- blush, blush-
tippy christian hollow
Gawd..it would be Bingo something-or-other.
Girl, my dad was in the military..I had so many streets, I damn sure don't remember the first :P
'Daniel Disappointment' is probably as close to honesty as I can get but 'Heavenly Stud' has a certain attraction.
Hi there...(from Dada), aka "Petey Flowers"
Dada: omg...too funny...I picture you wearing bright tight polyeser pants- with a silk fowered shirt...
Daniel: oh comeon love- what was your first pet- and then your Street- comeon we know you will have a good name...( hell- we already know that you are heavenly ;-)
Dusty: oh, we can just call you Bingo....that works....
Betmo: Tippy Christian Hollow- oooooh like that alot...excellent- you could do Christian Porn with a name like that....oh...they don't have porn- really???
( I mean didn't mr.haggard do porn....oh, I have been corrected- he did meth..sorry...my mistake...)
Monk: Shadow ??? oh that is excellent...have you met Tippy up there? your names would look great on the marquis together...
NO: oh my Mitzi Anything works doesn't it? great...
( I am going to go pester Pursey and the gang to come over- I am dying to see if they have any extra scripts lying about....we all have great names....)
I was so tickled with this challenge, and impatient with a room full of people distracting me efforts, I put the question.
I don't think it works for Aussies:
Sarge Long
Lady Frappe
Scamp Church
Shot Endeavour
Lolita Terra.
OMG....these just get better and better...too funny...and very creative...who would have thought...
Contessa East-Westcott...
guess i'd have to specialize in italian/british crossdresser films
Hmmm, I think John Waters agent will be contacting you...
Tiger Lee.
I forgot to mention Cartlege brought a boat load of names over..wow...and TIGER LEE- oh that is great...
I was never allowed to have a pet, Enigma, (boooohoooo) and the first street was called Clarke.
Hey, Clarke's not bad as in Clarke Kent and SUPERMAN!
Well, I never. I would be Rody Park, which is just not as interesting as Lola Heatherton.
How are ya?
Bones Asbury
'skuze me, 'skuze me. WHat's a porn star?
I'm not sure I ever grew up, so I have 2 choices:
Dinah Flower
Dinah La Cuesta, depending on where I made the most progress.
Cool formula!
Wow....we now have quite a list...and I will have to post it...wow..so many *Stars*....and yes I have laughed my ass off...thank you one and all
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