Thursday, October 25, 2007

Angels Above and amoung us....

I am asking that when you have the time please go visit Thorne's World of Friday 10.19.07 on the Blogroll, please send her and her family your love and support. She and her family were not near this round of fires, but they still need us....

*[ the song is "Hands to Heaven" by Breathe, it is a song about being Together Again with those that we Love. I once had a cancer patient a little girl of seven kept drawing "Moon Boats", I asked her about it, she said, that when she got to Heaven she would be waiting for her mom, on the moon in such a boat.....I handed her more crayons....and I never looked at the Moon the same again.]*


Gary said...

You're a good human being. Doing less harm, leaving more love...

Anon-Paranoid said...

On some nights the moon looks beautiful. As beautiful as your soul my sweet rose enigma.

God Bless.

enigma4ever said...

Gary...thanks..we all do what we can...have to leave this earth a little better...

AnonP: tonight there is a beautiful lovely...thanks anon...take care of yourself...

WeezieLou said...

what a powerful little story! and it may be true. heaven knows.

azgoddess said...

beautiful story..and picture...and now, i will never think of the moon in quite the same way either...hugs and peace my friend