Saturday, August 12, 2006


Dear Junior,
I think I would like to return the Medal Of Freedom that your Dad gave me in 1993.America is not feeling so Free and Freedom is being used to hurt other countries. I was proud to work with your papa.I was proud to have handed the Reins over to him, I felt like he was a Good Republican. I felt like he was an Honorable man. I also worked with Joe Wilson and I have been watching what happened to him and his wife and I am appalled. He was a fine Ambassador. I don't understand Why your papa didn't teach you that People that devote their lives to this Country are to be honored.

I may have made some Mistakes, but I still valued the Constitution. I even valued the Founding Fathers. Some where along the way you have lost sight of what this country is about, and you have taken it on a Path of No Return. I even owned up to my mistakes, I even apologized. But you seem to think you don't make mistakes, and that you aplogize to no one. I don't agree with that son....

I also know you like to say that you care about the Land, and that you are at a Cowboy at heart. I have my doubts.
Nancy said that she tried to come talk to you about Stem Cell Research. She says that you were Arrogant and tried to preach to her. You broke her heart. No One breaks my Nan's Heart. Shame on You.

The President Reagon
A True Republican

**** (this is of course not really written by Dead President Reagon...but somehow his ghost leaving a letter on George's pillow is comforting...)******


meldonna said...

Maybe this is why the GOP backed the Shrub; he has single-handedly gone a long way towards repairing the reputations of every GOP President in the last half-century. Even Ford is looking competent these days (not to mention graceful -- least when he tripped over his own feet he didn't blame it on a pretzel!) And at least Betty got HELP (thank you to the Contessa for that last).

Before we get all dewy-eyed, though, I'm afraid we need to remember Reagan was the one who brought us Voodoo Economics and a stock market crash of '87; his minions (the worst of which are back like bad horror movie character in DC) negotiated to have the hostages released during his Inauguration -- a slick and sick sock in the gut to the outgoing Carter; that last probably tied to the Iran/Contra scandal; he armed Saddam; also armed and aided Osama in Afghanistan; deregulated banking leading to the the S&L scandals; he fired the air-traffic controllers...I could go on, but you get the idea.

And he was still a better Preznit than Fucktard -- except maybe in one small way. I think maybe the Bushi'ites have so profoundly screwed the pooch as to almost guarantee the next Prez is a Dem.

That's what I'm working for, anyway!

Anonymous said...

ditto, meldonna!!! oh & I was gonna try to remember the exact words Ron Jr said comparing GWB to one of his father's turds, but got sidetracked by LgNd. Don't want to wade into those waters, but wondering about medication side effects, or maybe that's a phantom herring i'm smelling? D.K.

enigma4ever said...

Mel : Had to delete some really rude comments- so sorry.
Someone is using my name on Blogs and then leaving Messeges here. Liberal Girl did not leave that previous messege either. Please let me know if you see any other suspicious activity. thanks.

meldonna said...

I sent you an email...just delete him. He's a boring creep.

enigma4ever said...

Thanks Mel..glad you liked this fella...ah, not the rude one that left the messeges- I did delete him..

enigma4ever said...

About what you said about the Gipper- so true...and yes , let's not forget how he treated Homeless people, AIDS, Mental Health, and Nuclear Waste....and the Airlines and Dept of Enducation...I could go on and on...

meldonna said...

He was no friend of us gayfolk, that's for damn sure.

This is why I keep coming back to can have a conversation at the cafe, even a debate, and we all respect each other enough to appreciate being reinforced where we agree, and educated when we sometimes don't.

And I'm glad e4e doesn't bust me for my flask if I want to Irish my coffee...


enigma4ever said...

Hey Mel: Yup The Enigma Cafe is all about everyone listening to each other and being good to each other- sharing requires open minds and hearts....hmm, so there is a flask in that there napsack....would you like a little whipped cream on the top, and some cinnamon?

( and Yeah Ronny sucked with SO many issues-
and people issues- he stank...I am not sure which he handled worse Gay People and Relationships or AIDS...because he did both so badly)

Always Welcome Mel...because you keep it real...

gugon said...

Nice post. I was no fan of Reagan either but I'd take him any day over the box o' rocks we got in there now.

enigma4ever said...

yup...never thought the day would come when we would have to admit that Nixon or Ronny would be better than the pile of dogshit we have now....