Friday, September 22, 2006

NEWS ON RITA AND LARRY ( The famous YouTube Bunnies)

Okay so earlier in the Month of September I started posting Rita and Larry Videos. I posted their fine videos on the 2nd and 9th of September, we met them battleing over celery and also mowing the lawn. And Low and Behold it turns out that our Legendary well loved Buns are indeed from the other side of the pond, they live in London with Jared and Rebecca. And yes , indeedy they have a Blog. So please go give them some love ( or some carrots) when you can. Their blog is called " Larry and Rita's Bunny Business, you can link by the Post Title, and I am adding them to the Blogroll.

1 comment:

meldonna said...

A bunnie blog! Hip hip --- HurRAH! (of course, in a veddy proper British accent)

Will be checking it out...