Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Actual Stimulus Plan- Give it a Read 647 Pages....Click the title

This article highlights MORE of what it offers and WHY it is needed, especially as more and more face Un-Employment....
Voice of America has more....
and Boston Globe has more about Repug Obstruction Efforts.....
President Obama spoke to Economic and Business Leaders today about the Plan...


enigma4ever said...

do read the Stimulus is about Policy...and is actual pragmatic- there is ACTUAL problem solving in it- I don't think the repugs have actually read it...

it is in BIG print ( not like the Bush crap that about made me blind..)

Annette said...

It is actually easy to read...I read it and I listen to these idiots and I really wonder if they have read it or just search key words and pounce on them..

enigma4ever said...

I read less than 3 hours..and I agree- the rethugs did NOT read way...

enigma4ever said...

Repugs did not vote for it...asses..

and it's down to 819.....compromises were made- I say why bother...the disrespect shown does not even deserve all...